Six Capitol police officers face discipline over Jan 6 riot

Originally published at: Six Capitol police officers face discipline over Jan 6 riot | Boing Boing


Only six, guess they didn’t watch the same video that I did.


Rather easy to jump to the wrong point of view here; these are ostensible defenders of the capitol who are suspected of doing wrong to the insurrectionists, and maybe otherwise, in conduct of their (overwhelmed) duties. For:

conduct unbecoming, failure to comply with directives, improper remarks and improper dissemination of information

Meanwhile, as yet, none of the inciters of this traitorous failed coup-d’etat are even under indictment …let alone trump awaiting trial -sigh-


How dare this news confuse my binary view of that day’s Good Guys and Bad Guys!


Does this include taking selfies with the insurrectionists?


The information that has been released is very opaque. We don’t know whether it includes discipline for going too far in trying to stop the rioters, or failing to carry out their duties to stop the rioters, or some of both.


Apologists for the rioters have cited “but the cops let them in” as a valid defense for the murderous mob.

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The coup is ongoing. The focus now is to create a one-party state. Many individual States are doing just that.
Along with the inciters, I would like to see the financiers of the coup being frog-marched to the gallows.

He will probably be dead before that happens. He had better have his crypt under constant, heavy guard. The man deserves an outhouse for a headstone…


Whatever happened to the “War on Terror”? Oh, white.


Glad to see they finally rotted out the bad apples and found them antifa cops who started this whole thing. /s


In any case, bear in mind “Disciplinary Action” is cop speak for “Paid Vacation”

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Some new information reported last night on McClatchey - three disciplined for selfies with insurrectionists (politely referred to as “rioters” by the media), and one for divulging the safe location of legislators to a friend (who ratted him out to the FBI) a week after the insurrection. I did not see anything about the other two disciplined cops.

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