Six reasons why some people refuse to stay home during a pandemic

and she’s a camper…

All those other things are just subsections, variations, and nuances of the overall unifying reason for why: STUPIDITY.


Was my thought.

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  1. Fox News

One of my kids is in the 1&2 camp. We’ve had some big arguements about it. “Well, they say 80% of people are going to get sick, so why hide?” She refuses to understand why ‘flatten the curve’ is a useful saying. She also fails to understand that people she lives with are far more fragile than she would like to believe. Every day I step back into the arena for the fight because that’s what you gotta do.

My wife is one of the most outgoing people I’ve ever met. I know staying locked in is driving her mad. She’s coping very well. I feel so bad for her - she likes my company, but not seeing her family in the big massive groups we usually meet up in is like taking a part of her soul…but she’s doing it. Because she’d rather suffer for a little than allow even that remote chance that we could make her parents sick.


You know who else needs immediate consequences in order to learn? Young children.


This individualisn over everything will be their undoing. Here in Germany almost everybody voluntarily practices social distancing. All restaurants and non-vital stores are closed. Also places of leisure like fitness centers, swiming pools, brothels, places of worship and places of culture like libraies, Museums and concert halls. And people accept it. Because people here know that in such a time of crisis it is the duty of everybody to make sacrifies for the collective. The needs of many outweight the needs of the few or the one.


Not defending this approach, but the US is pretty much made up of people from all over the world who left their native communities to pursue individual success (or success for their kids, immediate family). So, it’s really a matter of this country collecting a fair number of individualists from all over. While the folks who emphasized community over all, stayed where they were at. There’s a genetic component to this, especially among those whose families moved west and west and west.

“Because it’s apparently better to die than be subject to…um…other people helping you out when you’re in need.”

I think it’s more it’s better to die than be subject to…um…other people when you’re not in need as well. That’s pretty much the theme of the Revolution.

Which has consequences of not necessarily having the connections when you are in need. But truly free people are willing to help out others, I think (and wrote about).

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This one has an interesting split between the libertarian-socialists and the individualist libertarians.

The libertarian-socialists are mostly paying attention and keeping their distance while also being involved in mutual aid networks (they will mask and glove up so they can get essentials for more vulnerable people). The individualists seem to be using this to justify their 1, 2 and 3 behaviour, and putting people at risk in the process.

Both groups believe in individual freedom, but the first can see the bigger picture while the latter refuses to.


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  1. Because I’m feeling fine, and even if they did get the virus from me, they chose to be there, so that’s on them.
  1. They’re sociopaths.


There’s this whole immature, defiant “You’re not the boss of me!” thing, where some people refuse to do the reasonable thing out of a misguided principle.


The same here in Norway, though one does run into people who seem to be intentionally anti-distancing, such as: people who walk down the center of the sidewalk and won’t move to one side when people come the other way; people who stand in doorways; packs of young people; and repeated incidents of people who break quarantine to go to parties.


1X. They’re a bot trying to cause discord in the U.S.


These people seem to have little agency in their own lives, and things like going out during quarantine give them a misguided sense of control. In fact, simply rejecting the “mainstream” narrative gives them a sense of control.

@KingGhidorah of course there’s that, too.

  1. They’re homeless.
  2. Imprisoned.
  3. In a concentration camp.
  1. A virus is an abstract thing which they can’t see, and they have trouble understanding things that aren’t concrete. It’s also why they fall for conservative propaganda.

“This is America. And I’ll do what I want.” (sic) is what I’ll remind her as I take a dump in her communal water supply.

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