Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/12/skating-on-thin-ice-with-a-chainsaw.html
Yeah, it works…Until it doesn’t.
there is no amount of money you could pay me to do this.
I don’t even have kids, and I’m irritated on behalf of his parents.
No one could’ve anticipated things would go poorly when leaning over a chainsaw to drag myself along some ice.
That said, I do like the 'skate’board.
Proof again that there really isn’t much to do in Alaska. That ice better finish setting up soon, these guys need to start playing some shinny immediately!
FYI–I was ready to abandon this when what appears to be a MAGA cap shows up around 3:41, but later, he has it on and it actually says “MAKE ALASKA COLD AGAIN.”
Those goddamned MACAts
Man, the undulations of the ice is surreal (link to the best shot, but there’s other good ones from a distance). Recommend fullscreen to make it out.
Being on that ice is a minimal and worthwhile risk for the fun you get out of it, based on my experience. So, good for him for doing it, and having some fun with videoing it. But if I find out he was running that saw without ear protection, I’m going to be furious.
Man, I’d love to live some place with actual frozen water in the wild like that. Around here that only comes out of a Sonic cup.
*or when Democrats win elections.
Working on it! We did win some local races and at least made the GOP spend money.
At first I thought that was hella dangerous and stupid, but then he took a big swig of vodka right out the bottle and realized “yeah, no problem.”
“Skating on thin ice with a chainsaw” isn’t a metaphor, then?
Came for this. Not disappointed.
So, he’s not hurting anything or anyone, he’s putting only himself at risk… how does he qualify to be a boingboing “gentleman”?
Well when I was young and stupid I did the skating on thin ice thing, its pretty cool actually. But two things that Do Not Mix are vodka and chainsaws. Just sayin. (And TBH I’m a little jealous/thankful I never thought of that pulling yourself along with a chainsaw thing.)