Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/10/skier-did-a-backflip-over-taho.html
dang, he did it a year ago? talk about slow virality.
Watching the video, the real skill seemed to be in not running straight in to a tree after the jump.
Wow, no brake lights on the cars below.
They were probably looking at their phones.
And the landing. Flipping in the air isn’t so hard with that big a jump (noobs like me would be spinning every which way). Not face planting is a skill.
I, on the other hand, have mastered the face plant. Without the jump.
Ski jumping over a highway - a ski movie classic since at least the 1970’s Warren Miller flicks.
Now the Ski Bros will be slapping into the side of semis all over Colorado.
I found it impressive that this skier has apparently been eyeing up this jump for years; just waiting for the right snow conditions. I find it is nice to know that different people see the world so differently. People can look at the same vista from the same viewpoint, and yet take away completely different visions.
And then, some people don’t use their eyeballs at all!
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