This device looks dubious and silly, but it’s a dick move to shame or mock people who are struggling with infertility.
Woah there you. I disagree with your description that the device “looks dubious and silly.” It is, in my opinion, one of the better designed devices for this purpose that I have come across. I am surprised and glad to see that modern technology has come a long way from the days of guys in wheelchairs having to wear a “silent” fan on their crotch for weeks on end when trying to start a family.
But am not mocking. I am sharing my own personal perspective on the issue, which is fair. So take off eh.
I’m not sure that it is /s. I’ve never heard one of these “OMG don’t sit in a hot tub, think of the little spermies!” “medical” scares without everyone around me saying, “But that’s good, right?” And none of us have had any trouble producing kids when we were ready. I mean, if you’re worried just wear MC Hammer pants for a month first, and if that doesn’t work you were going to go to the doctor about it anyway.
I wonder if this isn’t some “Every Sperm is Sacred” garbage being quietly slipped out of the Vatican, like all the nonsense studies claiming that condoms don’t work.
Finally a solution to scrotal warming.
Internet of Balls
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