So the Alt-Right is coming to your campus

He may have said that, but it’s also true that conservative radio hosts in the USA are very fond of making stuff up to suit their needs.

My understanding is that the removal was delayed, but the statue was not necessarily safe. A quick web search did not confirm this, however.

The statue was built in 1924, and was done by a private donor who also gave a lot of money to the University. War memorial or not, if the residents of Charlottesville want it removed they can do it, and a bunch of outsiders shouldn’t have a say. This part of Virginia is actually among the most liberal in the state, that’s one of the reasons the Nazis came – they were looking for a fight.


If the neo-nazi cowards took their march to the hood, they’d learn a lot about homeland security.

You’re going to equate the two groups (as YOU see it, two ‘groups’) at the protests to two street gangs who fight over what they have in common?

I don’t think there were two groups. I think that is fear based black and white false dichotomy thinking. I think that is fear, uncertainty, and doubt. I think that view is a panic response on the part of anyone needing to so oversimplify things.

I think there was an armed group, with a permit, spouting recycled hate that their grandparents would put them, as grown adult men, over their knees for - and there was anyone who showed up to oppose them.

The magic required to assume the opposition to the recycled hate existed prior to the organization of the event, and thus more or less created a vacuum in which the recycled hate event is inevitable… I mean… that’s the borderline of where you’re at with these false equivalences. It’s only a few more lazy rounding errors towards people you can identify with and against people you don’t understand before you’ve fully victim blamed.

I know BLM protesters. Not one of them fits the caricature you paint here of them daily. That you argue you’re not partisan, the air is gone from that.

If you want to know what the problem is, it’s a willful refusal to listen. You’re part of the problem. I wish you peace and luck in finding your way to a more evenhanded view of your fellow man. ALL OF THEM.


I know this isn’t the first “march” organized by this organizer in this town.

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I thought the right didn’t like cooking pigs…

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Come now, we didn’t have the ichthyosis baby pavilion last semester, if you’re still by my way. I haven’t seen that one since…spring or fall last year?

Yeah, at my uni chalking the sidewalks had to be banned after approximately forever because some ahem divisive ahem messages were showing up. That was right around when stickers of this dude started getting slapped in random places.

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Seems like it pops up at least once a year. The bible thumpers show up at least 2 times a year…

Holy fuck! Assholes.

We have been getting some white supremacists on campus, a very small group of students, who think they are oh so clever to enroll at a major public university that has one of the most diverse campuses in the entire US and to try and stir shit up. Needless to say, they aren’t getting anywhere so far, at least that’s how it seems.



Yeah, seems a few people started bringing sharpies to blank them out, I know I saw one guy (acquaintance of a friend) scratching the stickers out with his pocket knife. They’ve all been pretty well defaced.


Yeah, these sorts of things don’t last long around GSU either. Pretty much they go up and are almost immediately torn down or replaced/covered over with anti-fascist and anti-racist stuff.

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I read that to mean both the ‘real’ WWII Nazis and the TV-ified pasty-assed version on display in Charlottesville (most recently), not both the alt-Reich and the anti-alt-Reich.

But it’s entirely possible I misunderstood.

I was hoping max would clarify his intent.

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Same here. Cause I’m getting the depressing feeling that I was mistaken. Sigh.

(ETA spaces. spaces between words are good.)


Relax, Max.

Just cos people reject the point of view reflected in your first picture, does not mean they are fool enough to turn to the second.


Were the people you chose to contrast the fascists with even PRESENT at the Charlottesville protest? “Actively resisting White Supremacy makes you a Communist” seems like a pretty flawed false dichotomy to me.


My hunch was correct and that was indeed Red Guards Austin. No, they were not at Charlottesville and their main deal is spreading awareness and philosophy as I understand it. I was able to find no terror connections that weren’t from sites like infowars and one that talked about how they killed some babies at an abortion rally.


Funny how Max couldn’t answer that question…


Oh, I dunno if max could or couldn’t. I just saw the picture and I was like “That’s Red Guards Austin, isn’t it?”


Sure. If it’s legitimate Nazis, the civic body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.



Have you ever been to Gainesville?