Is it unusual to think that a football club buying 200 sex dolls didn’t raise an eyebrow with accounting?
Or worse, perhaps they were renting 200 sex dolls.
Were they cupping the balls?
As a prank, this sucks. (Or blows?)
Oh, they weren’t inflatables.
But is this why they are called MANnequins?
This makes the 1992 Highbury North Bank mural look good.
I think the Arsenal squad were more diverse than that entire crowd scene.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
[Dutch mannekijn , from Middle Dutch, diminutive of man , man; see man- in Indo-European roots.]
And there was me thinking it was from the Old Korean for sex doll. So what do I know?
love that one of the reporters working on this is named Jack Guy
I’m looking at the photos on CNN, and honestly I’m thinking “really”? I mean, I can see that they might be, and I can believe that maybe in person it is more obvious, but anyone who looks at those photos and thinks it is “obvious” they are adult toys probably just recognizes the make and model. Of course I can’t read the signs, but that could be a much stronger argument. The denials seem a bit off, with CNN reporting: ‘Staff “went through the confirmation process that they were not adult products several times…”’ Um, sure. If you have to check whether your mannequins are adult toys several times maybe you are doing something wrong?
Man, I went to a bad place with this one (I think primarily based on your first pic):
Guess there are a lot worse options than expensive sex dolls…
There were only thirty mannequins, and it seems that the club didn’t pay anything for them.
In some cases, kicking people’s balls is OK.
@anon33932455: Seems others take our kicks where they find them!
Very good to know there’s an abundance of balls humor. Glad we haven’t sacked the art of a good ball joke.
@EPTC: > Glad we haven’t sacked the art of a good ball joke.
I’d get testy if we had.
I feel like Rod Serling would be pleased by your journey.
Not sure if you want to say that out in pubic.
Somehow this is even creepier to me than any Twilight Zone ever was…
I never let facts get in the way of a good joke
Meanwhile in Germany, Borussia Mönchengladbach have asked fans to buy cardboard cutouts of themselves to be put in the stands:
I wonder if they will be asking TSG Hoffenheim for advice on piping in crowd noise?
Finally, a sport I think I’d enjoy …