Some of the Most Racist Moments in Fox News History

Yeah, somehow I missed that, too; links, please?

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Pretty sure that he refers to


This is what I was trying to do.


Ah, that would explain how I’d missed it; I never come in through “the front door,” and that post is 3 years old.

(Thanks for the reference point, though; most appreciated.)

That being said, it seems it was a typical Doctorow repost of a (then) trending story; I’m not sure how “that’s racist,” although the content reported upon certainly contained the usual bigoted bullshit imagery that was always being hurled at Obama.


Read the comments. There was some disagreement about the intent of racism. I still uphold my point that it was done within a German context, where that imagery doesn’t mean “black” but “American”.

Nope; I already know how those kind of threads tend to go.

And I’m not interested in rehashing an argument in which I played no part; I was just curious as to what post was being referenced.

Thanks again for digging it it up.


Yeah, thanks Mark and Caroline for making me scroll the height of Everest (some Disney thing and some text mishap story - both of which would have benefited from what readers may have hitherto assumed to be the house style of “teaser, pic, link to more…”) to try and locate this weird soundtrack suddenly emanating from my speakers when I refreshed the blog page.

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So, you see non-whites as other species, and you want to keep the bloodline pure…


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