Also: using all the old materials and techniques as operating metaphors and UIs for modern digital processes, e.g. the floppy disk as an icon for “saving.” I heard a story where a young person approached someone with a floppy disk and thought it was really cool that they had 3D printed the “save” icon.
One has to assume they have come up with a number of techniques, given how long tiny digital storage mediums have been an issue for their evidence collection processes. They couldn’t do their job, otherwise.
They’re digital recordings stored on his phone, and probably also on a computer or three. “Tape” is just a term that for some reason won’t go away, especially with the news media.
From the article: Cohen…was known to store the conversations using digital files and then replay them for colleagues, according to people who have interacted with him.
Also, file, folder, dialing a telephone, cc, bcc, even computer. I’m guessing that most people under 30 have never actually DIALED a phone, or made a Carbon Copy.
Not really a facepalm - it’s just that, from most young people’s perspective, that icon doesn’t look like anything they’ve ever seen in real life, except as a save icon.
It’s not on an equal level, though, and I never implied it was.
Did you miss the part where I said it’s like Watergate on meth and a speedball (which is heroin and cocaine, mixed together.)
That metaphor meant this fuckery has all the batshit sensationalism and self-sabotaging paranoia of the Nixon era, with none of even the false appearance of competence, or any sense of self-preservation.
Like someone opined above, it’s far worse than Watergate; it’s STUPIDGATE.