Originally published at: Sound of Freedom's real-life "hero" accused of sexual misconduct by 7 women | Boing Boing
It seems we’ve heard this song before. Just change the name of the xtianist hero.
What the fuck
First podcast I heard about this guy explained his team of ‘elite military operators’ going overseas to rescue the wee babies were really insurance agents from Utah.
Meh, assholes all the way down.
Needs more parenthesis.
Is that:
(anti-child) slavery activist
anti-(child slavery) activist?
As night fucking follows day…
It was faster than I expected, that’s all.
eta: The next shoe to drop will be the big pile of missing money.
I think my “Shocked. Not that Shocked.” gif is going to get threadbare from overuse.
Tragically, this will only make him MORE popular with the Reich-Wing Christian zealots, whose standard line is: “If you don’t support him, you support pedophile sex traffickers!”. Their world is totally black and white. Think about how the Access Hollywood tape made Trump more beloved by his Cult Members. It should have ended his career, but we’re trapped in Bizarro World.
Oh boy, Megyn Kelly is going to be pissed at his defenders!!
There’s something more than slightly whiff about how they pose as pedophile sex traffickers for their great white trafficker hunter events.
I don’t think that a unicorn chaser is enough these days. I feel I need a unicorn power-shower and a loofa.
Doesn’t night fucking follow afternoon delight?
Best I can do is a naked rat in a sink.
That is a wonderful thing. Thank you, so very much.
Heh. That could have been a better word choice, but I was fucking angry.
It isn’t your fault that my brain has been rotted by decades of double entendres.
Does it affect you annually?
With this latest news, the sequel to “Sound of Freedom” should be interesting. Talk about plot twists.
If it lost a bit of fidelity every time it was posted here it’d be an unrecognizable blur of pixels inside of a month.