With enough pressure you can get a camel through the eye of a needle, it just won’t be intact at the other side:
Maybe not at 0,1 MPa like in the movie, but at about 100 MPa it shouldn’t be a problem
With enough pressure you can get a camel through the eye of a needle, it just won’t be intact at the other side:
Maybe not at 0,1 MPa like in the movie, but at about 100 MPa it shouldn’t be a problem
You think the Bible is important to fundamentalists?
Lev 19:34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
The Bible only matters if it supports our prejudice.
Maybe they did, and that’s why they can’t bankroll Trump’s wall.
seems to be well quoted anyway…
Plus mark-up at the checkout.
It’s allegedly a ‘cost plus’ establishment…
If your biblical knowledge comes from cartoons, than yes, this is dead on.
“Hell has open borders”? Really? Really?
Even if we go by the popular mythology of Heaven and Hell and forget about trying to find Biblical citations for concepts that did not exist or only existed in larval form at the time the New Testament was written…
Isn’t the Hell of popular imagination a sort of prison or totalitarian dictatorship or torture-based concentration camp, with all the lost souls being held there against their will? Which would imply, you know, walls and guard towers staffed by demons with the infernal equivalent of spotlights and machine rifles and so on and so forth, to keep the damned from escaping?
As to his fantasy of Heaven as a gated community… I am sure that there is a corner of Hell that is set up as a very nice, very upscale, very unpopulated gated community for people like him to go to, where they can feel afraid and isolated and lonely in their little ticky tacky white picket houses, cut off from all the rest of humanity forever and ever and always. Actually, haven’t they already done a TV show using that concept called “the good place”? So he has no excuse for his complete and total ignorance.
Here’s your hell, asshole. Enjoy being the only resident for the next trillion or so years:
A wall around heaven? Sounds like you’d need a ladder, right?
And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. - Genesis 28:12
But I think the whole wall around heaven is a assumption based on the idea that there’s a gate. This in turn is a assumption based on the time Jesus says to Peter:
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven. - Matthew 16:19
Which seems to me more a statement appointing moral authority than a mandate to keep others out. Arguably, being “fishers of men” they should be trying to get as many people into heaven as possible.
I like how he suggests his customers “Let that sink in” as if he just made some profound observation that they may have trouble wrapping their heads around rather than something a child might say.
Also his statement to the news bugged me. “If I used a political message, and I’m very aware it’s political, to highlight Jesus Christ, then I’m guilty of it.” The phrase goes “If some action the speaker considers to be justified or moral is a crime then I guess I’m guilty.”
Granted it was probably delivered off-the-cuff during an on-camera interview so maybe I shouldn’t be so critical but given his willingness to print dumb shit on his meat flyer I’m not sure he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
The nationally accepted narrative is “of course we need strong borders” with no one in the media questioning it at all. But do we? What do we gain from controlling immigration? What do we loose?
The math says immigrants are a net positive. If we embrace them and make anyone who wants to be a citizen part of team USA then the argument about taxes and responsibility evaporates.
So, why do we need to control immigration?
Because preventing employers from hiring undocumented workers is Big Government and Excessive Regulation, so the only thinkable way to prevent people from trying to come to America from the poorer lands to the South is by beefing up border security.
And if we make everyone who applies a citizen, the undocumented people are documented. I suspect border control is really about making sure the U.S. farming industry can maintain their easy supply of slave labor.
Interesting. He accepts all those forms of credit card payments, but not the teachings of Jesus Christ into his heart. But he will pay lip service to hatred. What a fine southern gentleman. Please give him a round of applause; middle fingers only, now. Wave them high!
How he thinks Heaven’s border is secured sounds as though it’s based on outdated info, from when cities were mostly bordered by walls to keep out invaders. That, or a Jack Chick comic.
If God is all powerful, why the fuck would a wall or gate be needed? To impress the rubes? “Ooooo! It’s like Disney World! I hope I see Goofy!”
If you don’t belong in Heaven, you won’t be led to the “gates” only to be turned away. “Psych!”
Unless that’s your torment in Hell, I suppose*. If that’s a possibility, enjoy your line, guy.
*That would be awesome. Put all of the people who feel like they belong in Heaven, but thoroughly missed the points and purpose of Christ’s teachings, in a lonnnng line together, with only each other as company. Arrange it to take 300 years to reach the front of the line, and then have them finally be allowed through the pearly gates, and on the other side is the end of the line they just left. One huge circle of them passing through the gates, forever.
Just like the Tom Petty song:
You can stand me up at the open borders of hell,
but I won’t back down.
If no-one believed in nations and borders, would nations and borders still exist?
Supernatural beat you to it. Though the line wasn’t to get into heaven. It was just an infinite line.
Well, Virgil has it that fascilis descensus Averno, “the descent to Avernus,” i.e., hell, “is easy.” I sort of doubt the store is quoting Virgil, though.
Well, of course it did.
Maybe Mr. McDaniel was a classics scholar before he found his calling as a racist grocer?
Anyone else getting a Liar Town USA vibe? It left us all too soon.
Also that sign looks distinctly like “Mao’s Fresh Market”.