Some one should remind this guy if he hopes to get into heaven’s gate he better start loving his neighbor as himself. As well as treating foreigners like a brother. The Bible commands both things.
I thought it had a hell-mouth.
I’d buy some, but I’d need an open border first.
Unfortunately we shouldn’t even call for a boycott of this guy. I haven’t checked every location but rural areas in these states are food deserts and shaming someone for not wanting to drive an extra hour for their food isn’t good person behavior.
That all said… what’s the proper word for someone who is trying to be sanctimonious, but is just an asshole?
They paid their own way.
All the people on the Away Team for Heaven’s Gate had a $5 bill and some quarters. Always tip your cabby.
The opposite side of the coin at Penzey’s Spices.
So the occupants of Hell are free to leave at any time? Cool. Good to know.
Nah, he’s not dead yet.
I’m told that Old Nick uses his products, though.
Everyone knows that Hell has a huge problem with refugees, migrant workers sneaking in, and Dreamers brought in as kids who are trying to stay.
good place to post this?
in case it’s not obvious, the map depicts how climate will change by 2080.
According to one of the early christian thinkers, you absolutely can, and he’s going to enjoy it.
Let me quote the relevant and nasty snippet:
[T]hat last day of judgment, with its everlasting issues; that day unlooked for by the nations, the theme of their derision, when the world hoary with age, and all its many products, shall be consumed in one great flame! How vast a spectacle then bursts upon the eye! What there excites my admiration? what my derision? Which sight gives me joy? which rouses me to exultation?–as I see so many illustrious monarchs, whose reception into the heavens was publicly announced, groaning now in the lowest darkness with great Jove himself, and those, too, who bore witness of their exultation; governors of provinces, too, who persecuted the Christian name, in fires more fierce than those with which in the days of their pride they raged against the followers of Christ. What world’s wise men besides, the very philosophers, in fact, who taught their followers that God had no concern in ought that is sublunary, and were wont to assure them that either they had no souls, or that they would never return to the bodies which at death they had left, now covered with shame before the poor deluded ones, as one fire consumes them! Poets also, trembling not before the judgment-seat of Rhadamanthus or Minos, but of the unexpected Christ! I shall have a better opportunity then of hearing the tragedians, louder-voiced in their own calamity; of viewing the play-actors, much more “dissolute” in the dissolving flame; of looking upon the charioteer, all glowing in his chariot of fire; of beholding the wrestlers, not in their gymnasia, but tossing in the fiery billows
I’m not exactly disappointed at the thought of failing to spend eternity in such sadistic company.
Yeah, you can stand me up there, but I won’t back down.
I love wikipedia…
Such an expression of joy over the ruin of the damned finds no match in the other works of early Christians. However, it must be taken into account that in an earlier chapter of the treatise Tertullian wrote that “the innocent can find no pleasure in another’s sufferings: he rather mourns that a brother has sinned so heinously as to need a punishment so dreadful.”[4] This passage is hard–if not impossible–to reconcile with the one quoted before and it is therefore debatable what Tertullian’s real sentiments regarding the damned were.
Says who?
In the Devil’s speech at the UN in Unsong, he said:
…we turn none back, nay, not even the meanest. Especially not the meanest.
Wow, what is that picture from?
Via McMansion Hell, who used it for an updated cover to a scholarly marxist take on late capitalism: