Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/23/spain-cops-free-100s-of-dogs.html
Yay on that bust, but I want to blitzkrieg the everlovin’ crap out of every motherf*cker involved.
My pup says put the perps in a cage without food and water for a few days.
Who buys a puppy with snipped vocal cords and goes “this seem legit.”???
My mother’s dog we have been led to believe came from a puppy mill as a caged breeding mother. She is a loving dog but has her issues-- she never learned “how to play” so she’s clueless when other dogs are playful, and she still has trouble with house-training.
Those would the breeding dogs, not the pups they sell. They kill, abandon or otherwise dispose of the breeding dogs when they’re too worn out, injured or sick to produce litters. I hope there’s a special place in hell for people like that.
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