Speaker Johnson defies far-right Republicans while Marjorie Taylor Green threatens to vacate seat (video)

Georgia 14 is an R+22 seat. MTG leaving the house would be one less headache for the party at zero risk of losing the seat.


One party wants to eradicate trans people, the other just wants to ignore them.


I hope I didn’t give the impression that I thought there was any comparison, only how ridiculous the list is.


People Who Profess to be Neither Left Nor Right in TheIr Politics Are Almost Invariably Right Wing


I’ll take FALSE EQUIVALENCES for 500, Alex.

Not at all, I was expounding upon your comment; we are in agreement.

IMO, anyone who genuinely thinks “both sides are the same” at this point is either lying to themselves, or they’re selling something…


If, like me, you are in favor of lowering drug prices, a universal health care system, clean air and water, a living wage and benefits for food service industry employees, unionization, safe working conditions, pro-choice, right to vote, freedom to read whatever one wants, etc., etc., etc., then you would see a huge difference between the two parties.


Divisive rhetoric is never going to solve these problems. Until the country can find a middle ground and decide to vote out the ineffective government together, we are doomed to just keep fighting each other.



“Until we can all agree to throw out the baby with the bathwater our nation is doomed to remain dirty.”


Does this help you see better?


Did I somehow miss where both parties want to deny the other the right to exist? Last I checked, that was only one party, and there’s no middle ground or compromise available when the other party is against existence.


Before 2015, I used to consider myself a centrist, and I would often post short-sighted memes like this:

(Yes, I own my own dumbassery.)

Then the 2016 election campaign kicked in, and the jaded scales fell off my eyes.

There is no “middle.”

Saying the right wing and left wing of US Gov are “both just the same” is like saying “Terminal Stage 5 Cancer is ‘just the same’ as Pneumonia.”

What did I just say?



How many rights should people lose before we’ve found that middle ground?


And, where the GOP would circle the wagons around similar scumbags in their own party, the DEMs would call for their removal. Ex: DEMs urging Menendez to resign and the Biden Administration DOJ indicting him.


It’s also coocoo-bananas that we’re talking about finding “middle ground” in the context of a discussion about a woman who is extreme even by the standards of her own fascist party threatening to vacate their own side’s fascist leader for daring to talk to Democrats.


To be fair, all the realists here aren’t.




I hate to have to do this again, but this can only be said from a position of great privilege. Women being treated as broodmares, LGBTQ being treated as dangerous subhumans, minorities being othered and discarded. These are not Dem positions. There is a huge difference between having the Dems in charge and having the fascist GQP in charge. It is not even close. Are the Dems perfect? Oh, hell no. But are they orders of magnitude better than Il Douche and his clown car sycophants? I don’t think this is even close.


That’s not surprising in itself, but needs more information. A political party is a collection of policy positions, or governmental goals, and candidates. Not even everyone who does consider themselves part of a party will agree with 100% of a party’s positions. Drift far enough away, and thinking of yourself as an Independent makes sense. Maybe they agree with 50% of one parties positions and 20% of another, 10% from a third, plus some that no parties seem to repsent.

That doesn’t imply that “both parties are the same” or both parties are “just as bad”.

If you focus on just one issue and nothing else. The biggest blinders you can find to completely obscure any other information and only focus on a single well defined isolated issue, then you may be able to say they’re both the same in that specific thing. Even then, that’s probably wrong for all party members. I’m thinking of the position on congress members using insider congressional information while investing in stocks directly. If that was the entirety of topics, they’re largely the same. Even then, that’s not really true, since one party has a variety of positions on this topic just within itself.

Taking the blinders back off though, and looking at the parties in their entirety, since they are baskets of ideas, the two are not anywhere near the same at all. In the most generalized sense, one of them is a large basket, looking to expand and include more people and diverse policy in the basket. While the other is an ever shrinking basket looking to consolidate it ever more while kicking people out. Out of existence in fact.

So, not the same at all. An increasing number of independents doesn’t imply the others are the same at all. Independents shouldn’t be confused with Centrists either. There’s Independents to the left of the most left Democrat and to the right of the most right Republican. Independents span the entire spectrum.