Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/29/spider-woman-cover-that-sparked-outrage-and-forced-marvel-to-apologize-heads-to-auction.html
The blockquote seems to be from artdaily. There should be some attribution since it is essentially the whole post.
Artdaily got it from Heritage Auctions. It’s a press release.
The numerous parodies of this cover, on the other hand, were quite funny.
I wonder if they’ll ever auction off that 1973 “Incredible Hulk” variant cover by Tom of Finland in which Bruce Banner’s massive erection is clearly discernible through his tattered jeans.
I get the problem with the cover and agree but… Have any of the people complaining ever read the comics that are attached to these covers? The cover really isn’t the problem, quite often ^^’.
That was an amusing Google but I didn’t find it. Plenty of big things, mind.
Interestingly the image on the right is the example included on Milo Manara’s Wikipedia page as an example typical of his erotic work, from a series called Click (mentioned above) about a device that makes women uncontrollably aroused (slightly NSFW):
Not exactly subtle, is it?
“You’re making me horny… you wouldn’t like me when I’m horny” is just a mood-killer of a tagline.
Um, citation please!
I’m glad that this generated a conversation about the representation and sexualization in comics, but this shit had been going on since the early ‘90s with the rise of Image and other creator-driven comics. There was a lot of good work generated, but it mainly seemed to be about artists getting to draw women in ever more suggestive poses and with medically impossible physiques. I was the target market for these comics, but they just seemed cheap and crass to me. When this whole thing blew up over Spiderwoman, I just assumed no one had ever seen a modern comic book.
Insatiable Hulk #69
My thinking was similar. I’m not endorsing the cover but it’s like none of the critics had ever been to a Comi-Con. I mean forget the comics, what about the models at the booths and even the attendants. I’ve seen some shit at Comic-Con that would make a stripper blush. I haven’t been in years so maybe the vibe is different, but not back when this comic came out.

the male version
Ain’t nobody gonna get horny for that lump of weirdness unless they have a fetish for non-Euclidean geometry.
doesn’t tom of finland usually draw hulking men with visible erections?
(A more explicit link would be helpful).

doesn’t tom of finland usually draw hulking men with visible erections?
(That’s the joke)
Oh look, it’s Captain Oil Barrel.

but it’s like none of the critics had ever been to a Comi-Con. I mean forget the comics, what about the models at the booths and even the attendants.
Um yeah. The misogyny in the comics industry is a well known problems. People, especially women who keep getting told we’re not REAL comic fans, have been complaining about booth babes for fucking years now.