Spinning out of control, Donald Trump authors an unhinged fantasy about Joe Biden

I completely agree with everything you are saying.

I also think that he desperately needs to beat Biden for his own narcissistic ego. If it was just to get into the White House to save his grizzled bacon, the switch from Biden to Harris wouldn’t have sent him over the edge like this.

Instead, he needs Biden to be the opposition, so he can “prove” he is the best.

He ran for president after Obama humiliated him completely and publicly over his birther bullshit. Since he couldn’t run against Obama (term limits) he had to do things like lie about his inauguration crowds (or any crowd), try to dismantle Obama’s legacy, etc.

Then he was beaten by Biden decisively in both numbers and electoral college. He’s spent the past 4-5 years trying to “prove” and convince people that he won, that he is “better” than Biden. Biden being quietly competent rubbed him sideways, too.

His whole campaign was about showing he is better than Biden. Biden dropping out wasn’t a victory to the Donvict, but vengeance denied. He desperately needs to show the world he is better than Biden, to beat him in the election.

Now? Now he’s lost his chance to show he’s top dog by defeating Biden, and has to take on a popular woman of color and everyone’s favorite uncle. But he can’t focus on that because he can’t get past his need to defeat and humiliate Biden.

And I’m loving this self immolation. Moar, plz!