Spinning out of control, Donald Trump authors an unhinged fantasy about Joe Biden

Originally published at: Donald Trump authors an unhinged fantasy about Joe Biden - Boing Boing


Hey Trump…

Benedict Cumberbatch Drinking GIF


What are Trump supporters even supposed to do with this? Are they going to start collectively protesting that the election was stolen from Biden now?


He lies to give the Cult reasons to keep hating regardless of how far-fetched. He’s had to go so outside the realm of believable it just beclowns the people who repeat his shit.

Ger ready for Ted Cruz.


Just an FYI yall, the quote about Tromp “losing his freaking mind” is from conservative commentator and Bulwark founder Charlie Sykes, who said it on MSNBC’s show “Morning Joe.”


I bet he really expects Biden to try to take the nomination. There is no imaginable world where Trump would quietly step aside and he can’t fathom anyone doing it. He would absolutely rather burn it all down. This seems like his usual projection


Complete delusion. Even some MAGAts are going to be raising their eyebrows at this deranged screed.

Biden has to break out the aviator shades and post that he’s good with this, and enjoying the end of his summer getting stuff done at the Resolute Desk and in the driveway washing the Corvette.


Not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but it sure sounds like narcissistic collapse to me.


I think it’s pants-pissing fear. He still desperately wants to believe he’ll beat Biden and then die in the White House a decade from now as El Presidente for Life. Instead, the narcissistic grifter knows deep down (as they all do) that the rest of his life could be spent in courtrooms, lawyers’ offices and (maybe) prison cells.


Self-sacrifice is literally inconceivable for Trump. It does not compute in almost all of Trump’s brain…and in the one shuttered part of him where it can compute, it wrenches him with pain because it shows him Biden is a far better man than he.


Dead Boys Dont Threaten Me With A Good Time GIF by NETFLIX


It’s so interesting whey they tell on themselves like this. They genuinely can’t imagine someone like Biden who actually listened to people whose judgment he valued and made a decision that might not have been what he wanted personally, but what was best for the country.

Their brains are so pickled they can’t see any difference between an actual “coup” like they attempted on 1/6 and Democratic party leadership behaving like adults who are capable of discussing (and even disagreeing!) about something important but ultimately putting personal feelings aside.


Or whenever.

After all the taunting of Biden to drop out, knowing that he wouldn’t, when he actually did and passed the torch, it must have been quite the Downfall moment.




Reading that tweet xit Truth? nonsense Trump posted, and trying to think about how one would even go about formulating a coherent response to all the various falsehoods and fabrications and fever dreams therein, it really is easy to see why people have been finding it so appealing lately to just throw up their hands and say “ugh, weird”. Taking Trump seriously is exhausting.


I think it means “they said I did a COUP, now I said they did one too, so both sides are the same, and you can vote for me without worrying that someone will say ‘COUP BAD’”

I could be wrong, it could also be that the Donvict learned that COUP is a mean word and now he just wants to use it.

Oh! Yeah, how can we possibly talk about shit that dribbles out of Trumps mouth without remembering projection is a thing!


I completely agree with everything you are saying.

I also think that he desperately needs to beat Biden for his own narcissistic ego. If it was just to get into the White House to save his grizzled bacon, the switch from Biden to Harris wouldn’t have sent him over the edge like this.

Instead, he needs Biden to be the opposition, so he can “prove” he is the best.

He ran for president after Obama humiliated him completely and publicly over his birther bullshit. Since he couldn’t run against Obama (term limits) he had to do things like lie about his inauguration crowds (or any crowd), try to dismantle Obama’s legacy, etc.

Then he was beaten by Biden decisively in both numbers and electoral college. He’s spent the past 4-5 years trying to “prove” and convince people that he won, that he is “better” than Biden. Biden being quietly competent rubbed him sideways, too.

His whole campaign was about showing he is better than Biden. Biden dropping out wasn’t a victory to the Donvict, but vengeance denied. He desperately needs to show the world he is better than Biden, to beat him in the election.

Now? Now he’s lost his chance to show he’s top dog by defeating Biden, and has to take on a popular woman of color and everyone’s favorite uncle. But he can’t focus on that because he can’t get past his need to defeat and humiliate Biden.

And I’m loving this self immolation. Moar, plz!


drama queen running on fumes


Agreed. And as he’s shown time and time again, he’s also still running against Obama almost a decade later. A narcissist is unable to let go of a grudge, especially against someone who made him the butt of a joke.

If someone doesn’t have a parody video cooking about von Clownstick being informed that Biden is stepping aside, I will be very disappointed in the Internet.


He’s probably still fuzzy about the vice in vice president.