Squirrel eats glazed donut

Or squirrels who raid trash cans.
Or just for the hell of it

That is shocking! That really should have happened at your rival uni!

The alleged Trump sex video may show just that.


Along with other materials, squirrels line their nests with feathers.

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Well, I did find this donut-inspired bean bag chair, but it probably doesn’t taste as good.



Pizza Rat Forever!

He has his priorities straight

I’ve seen a seagull scarf down an entire chicken drumstick, bone and all. I have no idea how that got down his gullet without choking him. Or how he got rid of the bone, later.

Seagulls: nature’s garbage disposals.

Which rival would that be?

You’d be kind of horrified at pelicans. There’s videos of them eating live seagulls or pigeons.


West Virginia University?

Ah, yes. Our rivals 80 miles south. A traditional hated rival. Conference re-alignment has made it difficult.

But anyway, there is a 300 acre park less than 2000 feet from the William Pitt Union. Presumably the hawks live in the park.

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Garbage Can Guardian - McGill University by Graham Moore, on Flickr
At McGill University in Montreal.

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Traditional in-state rival:

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OMG, she’s giving them food, affection, clothing, and an online presence…what’s next? I guess our only hope in the coming squirrelpocalypse is the ones who were friendly in the past may choose to fight on the side of humanity. We’ll have to rely on facial recognition technology, though, since she failed to use glue on their little hats.

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