Stable Trump supporter explains the "3 levels of MAGA" (video)

Double Secret MAGA

animal house dean GIF

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It seems like there were a lot more anti-MAGA people at the courthouse than MAGA people of any variety. Does this mean there are a lot more anti-MAGA people than MAGA people overall? Or just that progressives don’t have jobs to go to.

As well, everyone who wasn’t part of the Fake News Lame Media was outnumbered, and what does that mean?

Perhaps there are Schrodinger’s MAGA people, whose true MAGA status can’t be determined by observation.

New Ultra Extreme MAGA or Classic Ultra Extreme MAGA?

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There are three levels of assholes…

There, fixed it for ya!

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Soon they will be turning against the less dedicated; shall we say the MINOs? MAGA in name only…


The transition of his fan base from political rallying cry to multi-level marketing scam has been quick and seamless.

I hope one of my neighbours has a MAGA party soon so I can get my spring colours done.


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