Startling video shows Nebraska anti-masker purposefully coughing on grocery store shoppers and calling them "sheep"

I think your impulse is justified by the fact that this person is committing the crime of assault. Shoving someone away who is intentionally trying to cough on you for the purpose of intimidating you (and being negligent to the possibility of genuinely making you ill) is fully within the realm of reasonable.


Yeah. My experience has been that most of these blindly faithful evangelical Christians have read very little, if any, of the Bible. I’ve also found that most of my fellow atheists who grew up in Christian households went against the grain and read a lot of the Bible, like I did when I was younger. I’m sure actually reading the Bible is one of the things that lead me to the realization that it was all bs.


I think you could argue it’s attempted murder, that opens up a more vigorous defense.


That would require intent, and unless she has COVID or some other potentially fatal communicable disease and knows it, she wouldn’t have the intent. It is absolutely assault, though. Not attempted assault, but actual assault.


Yep. Another grade a asshole:

Same here. I’m not violent by nature, but this shit is making me want to keep a taser or a pointy stick handy at all times!


It might be a bit uncomfortable, but in the moments like this it’s probably best to at least start shouting.

I keep returning to this piece of advice from “Exo - A Jumper novel” by Steven Gould: “When someone is acting inappropriately, don’t normalize it. Make it clear to everyone that you are not okay with the behavior.”


If she wants to cough on folks then she shouldn’t mind someone just spitting on her in kind. Like seriously this isn’t up for debate, you do something rude regardless of whether you like masks or not then you ought to get that back tenfold.


Let’s not mince words here.

She was using violence to attempt a political change via fear.

She is a terrorist. She needs to be treated as such.

“But she may not have Covid!” - if she is positive, then her weapon was real. If she had any cough communicable disease, it was real. If she was perfectly healthy? Then it was a hoax device, which still counts as a weapon since any reasonable person would believe that she has COVID.

Since she survived her terrorist attack, she needs to spend the rest of her life in jail. Period. That’s what we do to terrorists; and I am sick and tired of us not treating terrorists like terrorists just because they support the Republican agenda.


My first thought is this woman is terrified and overcompensating. You can tell the mettle of people being tested by this pandemic. You either find some way to cope with the realization you are not in control… or you pitch a fit like this idiot.

That being said, her right to throw a punch (or cough) ends where my face begins, so I’m feeling the urge to slap her across the face or give her a good shove.


Especially considering which side is choosing to take livestock-grade ivermectin instead of the human-grade vaccine.


I’m not mincing words. Legally, she committed the crime of assault. Attempted murder requires intent. It’s a required element of the crime that has to be proven by the prosecution. Unless she knew she had a potentially fatal communicable disease, she can’t have legally intended murder. As far as terrorism, I don’t know what domestic terrorism laws are on the books, so I don’t know. Morally and ethically, of course she’s a terrorist. Legally, I don’t know.


These idiots tend to misunderstand the reach and the power of angry people on the internet who have more than enough free time on their hands to reach into every publicly-available aspect of the woman’s life and ruin it.

She’ll be found soon enough, and then we’ll get either a “muh freedoms” or “cancel culture” out of her and she’ll continue on with her life, making other people miserable until common sense or laws teach her a lesson.


I’m slightly saddened nobody cattle prodded her.




It’s easy to say you’d respond in a particular way to a particular event you weren’t around for (e.g. Mark Wahlberg regarding 9/11), and I am not a violent person, but I know that if someone did that to me, I would punch them in the face as hard as I am capable of.


Here is something I learned a few years ago when I had a dispute with a neighbor. It was taught to me by a doctor friend.

A lot of times people will push others until they react, then the person who started it can say “see, it’s not me, they’re the one who is out of control”. It’s a concerted effort to turn the tables and get sympathy from the authorities or other neighbors.

That’s the reason I refuse to interact with someone like that, I would just walk away.

Plus, I can always here my dad saying “you’re better than that”.

Plus, I’m always afraid that one punch or shove that connects would be the freak time the person dies and there is no way I want to end up in prison over a moron like her.


Not to mention a spray bottle of full strength peroxide (not the bleach stuff, this dumb broad’s already done that).


So far, “Step back or I will punch you” has worked for me more than once, and only resulted in an actual punch being thrown twice. Both times were against dunken assholes who were standing on my property and had been warned repeatedly to leave or else the thing I just described would happen.


Sometimes that is not possible.


Well, the incident did occur right in the produce section…