I would image such a product would come in variations such a Original Flavor (Beef) and new low fat Smoked Turkey.
So basically this:
Just because they admit they are saying whatever they think will make them money, doesn’t make it any less amoral
Yeah, but you can’t even really criticize them for that because they already called themselves out for it.
It’s perversely effective. It’s almost like they’re un-asking the koan by answering “MU”.
Two comments:
1 - I went to a couple of NdGT’s talks a few years ago, a couple of years apart. First one was pretty ok, where he talked about the science-y scenes in science fiction movies. The second one’s topic was much hazier, and it seemed he didn’t really have a topic; he just talked about stuff. At one point, he showed off how much the twitterazzi loved him. He tweeted from his laptop right there on stage, and we watched in real time how many likes and retweets it got. Oh. Yay. I have to agree that he’s more of an entertainer.
2 - Why did he bite at the troll who was sport fishing? Man’s got an ego to defend, I’m convinced.
Let me also say that I was less than thrilled when he was chosen to host Cosmos 2.0. He’s ok, but he’s no Carl Sagan.
Is anyone, though?
As for NDT, I find that there is roughly a 50/50 chance of him either reveling in the wonders that science allows us to understand, or showing off in minor pedantry. When it is focused on the wonder I find him to be one of the stronger science communicators still active, but that leaves the other half. More important than his skill as a communicator are the multiple sexual harassment and assault allegations against him. Watching them surface repeatedly, then disappear every time there is a new media appearance is just surreal.
That is not as far as it should be from completely accurate.
For “true”, substitute “empirically demonstrable”.
So, No, you cannot replace “Science” with “Christianity”, “Qanon”, or “Trickle Down Economics” or any other empirically unproven/unprovable tenet.
That’s okay, neither does anyone else.
I wish I had video-editing skills so I could CSI: Miami this. But it would need a physics lecture as a lead-in.
Look at you, winning friends and influence.
NDT can be a great science communicator.
On top of succumbing to engineer’s disease, he seems to increasingly be leaning into the misconception that being a smart-ass pedant is the same thing as having a personality, and while I think his stint hosting the Cosmos reboot was fine, it still often felt condescending in a way that the original series never did. I haven’t really seen him as a positive figure in a few years now.
But the man didn’t say “empirically demonstrable” the man said “true”. Word choice matters. Especially when it comes to being the type of Science Pedant he so clearly wants to be.
Wait - Steak-Umms still exists?
I agree with you! I recommend that you immediately forward your feedback to Tyson so that he can edit his Tweet such that it’s no longer nonsense.
Well done!
“controversial scientist” - Rupert would be proud of that one.
corporations ridiculing celebrities for views wasn’t the future I was hoping for
Neil Tyson, “problematic” or not, has had his 15 minutes of fame and then some
I’d just as soon not hear about him unless there is once again, as many years ago, some kind of legitimate news regarding the planetarium he runs
THIS story is a big nothing, a food brand nobody would otherwise pay attention to getting clicks and eyeballs by pretending the words “science is true” are controversial
Came here to say this. Who knew Steak Umms were still a thing? I just put them on the grocery list to bring back memories of coming home drunk and making a sandwich out of those things. Of course once my wife reads the fat and cholesterol content I won’t be getting them.