Stephen Miller says pro-Trump "alternate slate of electors" will submit their votes to congress

I really believe Biden’s team has to go after dRumph’s crime very hard and chalk up some jail time for him and his criminal family. It’s going to be the only way to shut him up.


Please don’t poison the big sharkies by feeding them tainted meat!

[Great Whites simultaneously horrify and fascinate me, but I don’t wish further human-inflicted harm to come to them. :shark::scream_cat::heart_eyes_cat:]



There were two shark attack fatalities in the last couple of days. One in Hawaii and one in the Caribbean. In all likelihood, neither were white sharks. White sharks are so chill, for the most part the only reason they attack humans is when humans are doing a very credible seal imitation.


Every time I shit something I wish I hadn’t eaten, I will think of him.

“A moment, that will live in infamy.”


Mr. Miller. You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Also (Fix) the Constitution? Project much?

I disagree, because I’d prefer Norton be better remembered than Trump. The Emperor deserves it.


This is a fantastic GIF. Although on first viewing, I honestly expected the hat to slice into the woman a la Oddjob’s weaponized hat in that Bond movie.

ETA Goldfinger:


Yeah well, it’s a hat, not a shiv. :wink:


An ass-hat; touche.


Fixed it. (I suspect the Homelander would be a close match.)


No. He’d use a cravat. Starched.

I think cold blooded murderer myself. The babies in cages were his idea.


Are you kidding, they’ll cover it. CNN definitely will. So will Fox. OAN. Newsmax. Pretty much anyone who can sell ads will cover it because people will keep watching it

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There is a remedy right there in the Constitution:
U.S. Constitution – Amendment 14 – The U.S. Constitution Online – – U.S. Constitution.net14th Amendment section 3
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

TL,DR version:
Anyone swearing an oath of office that engages in Sedition (which is exactly what these ratfuckers are doing) are forbidden from holding office.
So Pelosi can simply refuse to swear them in with the rest of the next Congress in January.
We all know how that will probably go, though…

This might be the extent of it, if that. I doubt that Pelosi will do a thing.
I think Joe is far too intent on trying to ‘work with’ these Fascist Bastards to even think of throwing any of 'em in the slammer where they belong; I don’t think he is prepared to deal with them on their own terms. Fighting fire with fire, iow.
Fascists look at anything less as weakness & take advantage of it at every turn.


They’re alternate electors like I’m an alternate quarterback for the Denver Broncos.




Completely in keeping with the Democratic party. They “Go high” i.e. don’t prosecute against obvious crimes in the name of decorum or good faith or some shit. (There is a legit argument this is the right path, TBH)

However it does not feel right considering the opposition.


Last night I watched 5 minutes of OAN out of morbid curiosity and “learned” amongst other things that 7 states are sending electors to congress to challenge the election. On OAN these guys weren’t even “alternate electors.” No mention that they aren’t actual state electors, or that all 50 states already cast their electoral votes according to the popular vote. It was a scary glimpse of the propaganda many people are inundated with daily


It kind of reminds me of a family member complaining on and on a few years ago about all the political ads on tv. When I mentioned that one can turn the tv off, or watch a streaming service, they shut right down.

But to your main point, I’m with you. The propaganda machine, and people’s seeming inability to parse valid information from tripe, is really, really scary.