Steroid COVID Trump is on a rampage tweetstorm (again)

You are right. That term would be more appropriate for his anonymous goons (whether dressed in insignialess soldier costumes or not) that show up at protests.
Mea Culpa

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Doesn’t he have to let the voters actually know that that is what he is saying in order for that to be effective? Could he actually broadcast such a message in such a way that it helps him more than it hurts him? While I don’t doubt that he would be just so petty as to try to punish the electorate that way if he loses, I’m not sure that it is an actual strategy.

Listen to Cohen’s testimony. He never says to straight out, it’s “understood.” “Nice country you got here. Be a damn shame if something were to happen to it, ya know?”


Yes, but this is more like putting such a message in a junk male letter that nobody is likely to read and then expecting the message to get across. It really only works if you show up in person and look threatening. (He does look threatening but not because he looks like he could wreck your place up, more like he could get you sick.)

To my way of thinking, he only has one mode, NY pseudo-gangster, and frames everything in that light.


The way I personally see it, no technology is ever of social benefit in and of itself, it’s only ever how people apply the technology that matters. People and the systems they create struggle to adapt to the implicit changes brought by a new technology/ies. There’s good and bad to that. I think Twitter could have done better though I guess!


I saw 2 good ones. Is he still tweeting? He’s in my timezone.

To some extent, the message isn’t to the voters (who by now he knows are leaning more towards electing Biden, by some largish percentage points), but the message is instead aimed at state governments and officials who he’s been pressuring to ignore the electorate, and have the legislature/governor override with their own [GOP] electors. Mixed in with an encouragement to “get rid of the ballots”. In short, it’s a threat/promise that only states that ensure he’s the winner will get coronovirus relief. Any states that go to Biden will be severely punished and excluded from any federal help. So those state governments better make damn sure they don’t allocate electors to Biden, by any means necessary.

He absolutely will punish the electorate if he loses, in any way he can. He’ll punish the electorate if he wins as well (at least any state, or even cities in red states which did not vote for him) The whole refusing to a damn thing about the virus early on, despite knowing how terrible it was, because it looked like it would have the worst affect on the states that did not vote for him, plus the whole “anarchy zones that will not receive any federal aide” thing is a clear indicator of how he will react.


Still not the right play as it gives an R governor the ability to appoint Warren’s successor, until the next special election


“…some unknown dictator in a 3rd world country almost nobody knows about.” You do realize that there are literally billions of people in the third world, right?

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Oh yes. Been there, never want to done that again.

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The “nobody among us knows about” was implicit; it wasn’t derogatory, if that’s what you meant. I was referring to very small countries whose governments can go crazy without anyone noticing from the outside because they’re too small/poor/far away for western general public to care.

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While I agree with your sentiment, and take no offense at what you are saying, it just strikes me as odd that so many people are willing to just pigeonhole any and all third world countries as “…too small/poor/far away for western general public to care.” For the billions of us living in the third world (myself included) the names you are alluding to are far too real. Remember, there are around 300 million people who live in the United States and several billion people who live in the third world. Even for a small country that the western world doesn’t know anything about, the people there are just the same as the people everywhere else. I know you don’t mean offense, just a gentle reminder…


I’m just waiting on the inevitable crash and burn once the 'roids hit the end of the cycle…


No offense whatsoever, thanks for correcting me. I’m not even in the US (actually geographically speaking a lot closer to the 3rd world), but often struggling not to be offensive with language. In my culture offense is usually explicit, the tone and the way the same word is used determines if the intention was to hurt someone, that may be easy to find out face to face, but online discussions are another thing. Apologies if anyone was offended, that wasn’t my intention.


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