Stormy Daniels gives advice to Donald Trump's solitary wife: "Melania Trump needs to leave him"

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I presume Melania is sticking with him so far because of whatever prenup she has with him :man_shrugging:


Yet (don’t we presume) that Melania has already “left him” in any practical sense and “get’s it all” whenever the nastyblob croaks*? Whereas if she legally leaves him then she gets only a fraction of whatever remains? (plus whatever Barron might eventually be worth on the celeb circuit). one should keep in mind that that entire delightful clan seems to be utterly “what’s in it for me?”

(*lips to cosmos’ ears)


True, if she cared about his worth as a person she never would have gotten together with him in the first place.


Melania is 54 and Donald is 77. She’s so close to the “finish line” that it would be a waste for her to give up now.


IIRC she didn’t actually move herself or Barron to join him in D.C. until he’d already been living in the White House for the better part of a year, and when she finally did move in they slept in separate bedrooms.


She was refreshingly honest when asked about the nature of their relationship shortly after they married:

In 2005, the newlywed Melania Trump addressed a business class at New York University. A student asked the supermodel if she would still be with Donald Trump if he was not rich.

“If I weren’t beautiful, do you think he’d be with me?” she quipped.

She knew exactly what she was getting. Which isn’t to say she can’t or shouldn’t change her mind now.


At this point, he may not have very much left at all.


He’s an adult now. That ship sailed years ago.


Huffpost called Melania a supermodel? That’s a considerable stretch!


Her superpower is her unprecedented ability to survive two decades with Trump.


I think the secret is she has her own life that has little to do with Donald.


For a second I was thinking presidents had to be married, and that a divorce would be the ultimate veto of a Trump presidency. Turns out it was just a wishful Mandela effect that my brain pulled when I googled it.

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I don’t want Trump to be president, but that would be a terrible rule. Marital status shouldn’t have anything to do with presidential eligibility.

Theoretically the evangelicals might frown on a divorceé running for office if they were trying to be ideologically consistent but in practice that’s never really been an issue as long as the candidate is Republican (and a man).


Not legally; though socially, it is “preferred”, as it helps facilitate the status quo:


I recently did a double take cleaning my closet – she was on the cover of an old Maxim.

You can criticize her politics but yeah, she was definitely a supermodel.

According to, James Buchanan was the only President who never married. I don’t know how many (if any) Presidents were unmarried while in office but married after their terms ended.

FYI Siena College ranks Presidents according to a number of factors, and in their 2022 rankings Buchanan (whose term was right before Abraham Lincoln’s and the Civil War) ranked 44th out of 45. Only Andrew Johnson (who immediately followed Lincoln chronologically) ranked lower. Trump ranked 43rd. Lincoln was 2nd.


She was definitely a model, who graced the cover of Maxim.

“Supermodel” is a much higher level of modeling:

Tyra Banks, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Gigi Hadid, and Winnie Harlow are prime examples of that identifier.

Melania married 45 long before she ever even got close to that pay grade.



This by itself shows the nature of the Trumps’ relationship, and how transactional it is. They’re not, in the widely understood sense, an actual couple with affection for each other. If she was ever there for something other than the money, she clearly isn’t now.

Yeah, I wonder what his death will do to his “wealth.” His whole way of doing business was to play a large scale shell game, but when assets (and debts) get divided, people are going to be looking to see if there’s anything under the cups, for a change…

As a political requirement (rather than legal), yeah. The fact that only two US presidents entered into office unmarried (and only one stayed that way) is a pretty clear indicator it’s a political necessity.

Grover Cleveland got married while in office. Americans seem to think being married is almost as important as being a white Christian male.