Melania dodges Trump's kiss

Originally published at:


Donald needs to learn how to be more Canadian.


She married him at a time when he was very much a piece of shit, mostly because he’s always been a piece of shit, and even joined in on his Birther bullshit. No sympathy here. Lie down with dogs, etc. etc.


I wonder just what kind of Prenup she has?


Given how bad he is at paying people who do work for him, I’d be tempted to say, “A half-assed one that she might be able to wiggle out of,” but who knows. Maybe she’s happy to keep receiving the money he grifts as long as she doesn’t really have to do much.


I doubt she expected him to be a loyal spouse—if he was capable of marital fidelity they never would have got together in the first place—but I don’t think she ever expected such a public life of constant humiliation either.

But hey, it was still her call to marry him and her call to stay with him.


It’s six inches thick and says that he’s able to do anything he wants to, and she can’t do a thing about it.


one fecklessly wonders how much money was transferred to Melania’s personal offshore account just to get her to angerly march on and stand by the orange septic pile…?


Probably a lot! Because if she didn’t show up, that would leave the focus on Vance’s “problematic” (read: non-white) spouse, who’s already ruffled the white nationalist’s feathers.


Just a reminder that Melania married Trump of her own free will, and stays with him of her own free will. She no doubt enjoys the luxury and privilege her marriage affords her. It’s possible she did not enjoy being first lady, but I’ve seen nothing to convince me that she secretly hates her husband and the life she has… :woman_shrugging: I really don’t understand why some people INSIST that she must be secretly miserable with Trump.


I think many, non-sociopathic people assume so because he’s a racist and a fascist and a rapist and an all-around vile piece of trash, and they themselves can’t imagine doing it no matter how much imaginary, fraud-based capital he allegedly has, but they also forget that she’s given several indications (see the Birther crap) that she’s probably not a particularly good person, either.


'cause it fits the imagined narrative; “he’s hated therefore his wife must hate him”. I find it helpful for me to at least consider if I agree/disagree with an article because it reinforces my beliefs or if it’s genuinely correct/incorrect.


I’ve heard interviews from people on her staff and who have worked with her for many years. She’s just as big of a piece of shit as he is.


Yes. I’m aware of that. My point is, as you said, there is no evidence to support it. But I guess she’s a conventionally attractive woman, so people (men) need to believe she’s not. It’s an ongoing narrative that defies facts. It’s not helpful and illustrates some people’s lack of media literacy… Or their interest in treating everything like it’s not real, has no consequences, and is just fun, intellectual exercises…


I think she is wholly trapped in his orbit. If she is remotely human she must be tired of his crap by now. There is a 100% chance she is waiting for him to pop his clogs, and has done the math on how likely that is to happen soon.


She knew what she was getting into, but she was sure that the expiry date was not too far away.

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Got evidence for that? :woman_shrugging: Again, why do people need to believe she secretly hates him?


She doesn’t hate him, but she probably doesn’t love him either. She would be a rich old man’s arm candy, and then she’d inherit a fortune.

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You know that because…? :woman_shrugging:

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My guess here she is saying under her breath “not the face…not the face…” mostly so he does not touch her makeup. Which is kind of understandable but perhaps not relatable.