Stormy Daniels tells all

Trump boasted about being able to sexually assault any woman he wanted and it didn’t faze them. A paid prostitute seems pretty tame in comparison.


I would bet good money that someone is underwriting her and Karen McDougall. You dont take NDA money if money isnt a consideration, and you probably dont work in porn. And it may well be the case that she only has a certain about of money, and she has an iron-clad agreement to pay her some amount later. So even if she is sued it wont be that expensive for whoever is underwriting her cos there is only so visible to be sued for.

Obviously pure speculation. And just to be clear, I’m sure she is an admirable person and a great patriot. Still, I just cant imagine she is not being underwritten. Frankly its also worth noting that I dont see why she shouldn’t be. Would be interesting to see who is paying the bills. I would not be at all surprised if it was a Republican billionaire. The Kochs perhaps?

Heehee. I hope the implicit sarcasm here doesn’t fly over people’s heads.


In the big picture, I don’t either. But the right wing, religious, conservative hypocrisy with their family values shit pisses me off. The other thing here is Cohen paying her off. It’s not just a story about a president who couldn’t keep it in his pants at some point.


Who is Larry Flynt?


Except for the part with threats & intimidation, signing an agreement under duress, and illegal campaign contributions. Thats not the run of any ole’ mill.


Unless you’re running as a representative of the self-described “party of family values” and used your opponent’s spouse’s infidelities as fodder for attacks during the campaign.

It would be one thing if Trump was running as a sex-positive candidate who was frank and honest about having open relationships, but he’s not.

Plus he fetishizes his own daughter. Barf.


Again, we do not disagree…and I never stated that he isn’t a hypocrite, only that paying a sex worker for services or having an affair should be a non issue.

I’d say there would be an impact if a cover-up happened to include Trump’s denial while under oath… then things would get mighty interesting.

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I see what you did there! :joy:


Wonder if he’s a fan of Woody Allen? :smirk:

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She may tells it all, but… frankly, I don’t really want to know the details.:dizzy_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_with_thermometer:


The NDA specifically provides that the liability for Daniels’ disclosing anything shall be 1 million dollars per breach, plus 100% of any and all money received in exchange for disclosing. So unless that agreement is overturned, she is liable for millions plus every dime she gets for telling her story. Basically it’s not possible for her to benefit financially unless the agreement is overturned.

There is a crowdfunding campaign linked to in the comments here for paying her legal costs, which is 100% funded. Aside from the litigation costs fundraiser, I very much doubt that anyone is paying her, or has promised to pay her, anything at this point. Most publishers are not going to want to expose themselves to potential liability as long as it’s remotely possible that the NDA has any force.


The interesting bit to me is that Cohen’s lawyer had a prepared statement that he sent out immediately after 60 Minutes aired. In it, Cohen essentially said, “She never had anyone threaten her, and I definitely didn’t send a guy to do that, and it’s defamation that she’s claiming that I did!” Except, you know, she never claimed Cohen sent the thug. It’s almost as if Cohen knew exactly what did indeed happen and was prepared for an accusation that never came… Yeah, that definitely doesn’t make him seem even more guilty.

She easily could, too - her description of how they ended up in bed together didn’t sound all that consensual. She talked about being in a position where she felt she couldn’t back out and had to “go through with it.”

Unless you’re also being threatened, and taking the money is the signal that you’re not going to be “a problem.” Like… in this case.


So Im not a lawyer and I dont play one on tv, but her personal exposure has got to be limited to her own assets. I would imagine a side-car agreement which was already written down might be a problem for the underwriter, but I wonder whether some people can keep things quieter than others?

I say all that simply cos I cant imagine someone exposing themselves to a $20mn liability. But perhaps there are other scenarios where she isn’t broke after this. For one, I am absolutely sure she had some pretty high powered advice on the enforce-ability of the NDA prior to taking this step. And for the avoidance of doubt, I think there is no question that her story is true. I just cant imagine someone exposing themselves to a 20mn dollar liability even for a good cause, while I can imagine all sorts of very rich people who would be happy to underwrite her exposure.

Would be very happy to find myself wrong about this. Its tiring being a misanthrope.

I seriously doubt most of his core supporters will care. Hopefully the evangelical white women who voted for him are rethinking their decision though.

Ironically, when he boasted, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” he wasn’t far off.

“You don’t understand. Trump hasn’t had his lawyer send a thug to threaten the life of the infant child of the pornstar he cheated on his third wife with since 2011. That was seven whole years ago. He was only 64 and didn’t know any better. That was just a phase he’s grown out of it!” /s


now he threatens everyone


No doubt there would have been a long and frustrating period of not being in wars as well.

Of course, the Republicans would have gone ballistic if Gore had been president on 911 (unless of course he and his staff had taken all the information they were receiving about Bin Laden and imminent attacks seriously). Sigh.