Students accused of racist attack at private school where Karen Pence teaches

The cynic in me has to wonder if the officer’s own complexion had anything to do with that particular swift decision.


MAYBE, but I want to believe ANY cop that handcuffs a 6 year old is going down for gross stupidity, without regard to anything else and it would be near instant

This is probably news to you but ALL the kids are endangered by this kind of idiocy, it’s not just an “of color” thing.

And yes, unless he’s charged with some form of crime, it’s entirely likely that he’ll just be able to mosey on over to the next district.

Go right ahead; someone’s got to be the optimist.

Yet some of the kids are WAY more at risk than others, much more of the time; and ‘coincidentally,’ those aforementioned kids usually tend to be “highly melanated.”


I hate the use of “reportedly” and “allegedly” knowing that the kid sat on this and said nothing for two entire days until a more observant kin sensed something was off and pressured her to tell about the abuse, which she did, in tears. Reportedly my ass! This is why victims first instinct is “don’t talk”. Even a child already understands that if she tells what happened adults won’t believe her. Words matter.


I’m really, really full of popcorn already.


I’m too god damned tired to make a coherent sentence about this right now.


I assure you that anyone living near Cranbrook would be horrified to find that anyone, anywhere believes that Cranbrook is located in Detroit.


Story is fluid!

Heh uh @jlw … you might wanna check this evolving issue out.
Followup’s in The Guardian so I am going to venture a guess they are still practicing regular old school journalism.


That’s the trap we’re in - outrage fatigue. I’ve been in it since Bush II.

You mispelled “Penises.”


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Or causing them an iota of self-doubt about their behavior.



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Well, we can still go with the lede that Pence’s wife teaches at a school where kids learn to lie.


But…but…but…Karen Pence!!!

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