Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant


From the sound of things, Mr. West is just saying one unhinged thing after another. Perhaps it is time for Boing Boing to just stop reporting on Mr. West?

Mr. West’s outbursts seem bizarre, and giving them (and him) media attention is likely to encourage him to continue increase such behavior.


Today’s unhinged is tomorrow’s political platform…so it goes.


Couldn’t agree more. At this late stage it seems less like drawing people’s attention to a news story (I think everyone knows Kanye West has mental health issues by now), and more like riding the coattails of hate speech to drive page impressions.

boingboing isn’t some celebrity gossip magazine

I don’t have a problem covering any of the stories about West. The only ones I have a problem with are the articles out of mainstream media still covering this stuff as if he’s actually running a legitimate Presidential campaign. He’s not. He may believe he is, but he’s not. I would rather see more of a focus on the people like Candace Owens, Milo Yiannopolous, Nick Fuentes, et al, who are or were clearly trying to use West’s fame and ability to attract news coverage for their own gain. I mean, even Alex Jones, after taking a metaphorical quick peak at Ye, backed off and said “oh hell no.”


How about if we just stop giving this clown ANY attention at all?

The dude is mentally ill. He has serious problems. Getting off on dissing the town fool is kinda whimpy bully shit. He’s getting the attention he wants when you talk about him. Ignore him, and he’ll go away, keep putting him on the front page and it’s just going to cause others to do the same. Maybe one day he’ll get the help he needs and can intergrate back into society.

The problem with not reporting is that the cleaning properties of sunlight do not get applied to this stuff. Without Ye’s antics being reported widely, sponsors like Adidas are still funding his antisemitism, while allowing his behaviour to be normalized in the shadows. Without continued coverage he’ll be back in a couple years, having successfully laundered his image without any meaningful work on his own part.

Also, this is linked to current events, so it is relevant.


The old adage applies here - if you’re not interested then don’t bother reading or commenting.

Also, I believe BBS rules discourage speculating on people’s mental state. Nobody here is a qualified psychiatrist who has interviewed Ye.

Welcome to BoingBoing!


You may not be aware of this; but Yedolph is a presidential candidate.

Maybe skip stories you find uncomfortable. It’s unlikely to effect you anyway. Unlike some of us.


But so is Vermin Supreme, West should be called out for his racist crap but are we really taking his presidential thing seriously?


Should Walker have been taken seriously in his primaries?

If someone with the resources announces, they should be taken seriously until they’re out. Even if that is just pointing out all the flaws and idiocy. Way too many dismissed TFG at the beginning of his in 2015.


Vermin became President. The real Vermin. Yedolph is successfully supporting Nazi politics.

Do some push-ups Pablo and maybe it will go away is an objectively failed tactic. We no longer have three networks with a stranglehold on information or influence. That died decades ago. Fighting the last war is the best way to lose this one.


Different Vermin.

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You’re seriously comparing a penny less homeless guy with a billionaire with tens of millions of fans?


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No, I’m saying Kayne is no more a serious candidate than any of the other wackadoodles that run for president every election.

Trump was backed by the republican party once he made through the primaries, do we really think Kanye can make it to a candidate backed by the republicans?

But if we are gong to take him seriously, I say let him run as a third party and split the votes giving the democrat a much better chance.

Put me down for there is zero chance of Kanye getting anywhere near a national ballot.


Someone doesn’t need to win a primary to have a huge effect on society.


If only you had ignored Boris - none of his policies or actions would have effected people.


I agree and I said Kanye should be called out every time he spews his racist crap but that’s different than taking him seriously as a presidential candidate.

Hopefully he does affect society and society says enough is enough and they cancel Kanye.

On a side note, I don’t believe the real Vermin Supreme is homeless.

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Pat Buchanan didn’t win a single primary. His culture war speech at the R Convention set the mold for much of what we see today, 30 years later.

He didn’t have Yedolph’s money or fan base. And the pace of change has accelerated immensely.