Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant

Because sunlight yada yada yada


For context: I’m specifically talking about drawing attention to the hypocrisy of their speech, rather than the substantive things they do.


We are doing that thing again, where we are giving attention to the most toxic, the most shocking candidate in the race. This guy is hogging all the attention. Can we do something different this time?

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Maybe we could cover someone who’s not in the race?


I was commenting on this link: The moment young Ramaswamy was shut down by Sharpton — a supervillain's origin story
I’m not sure how my comment got moved to here. My comment is about giving overt attention to one particular GOP candidate, not about covering him at all.

So you prefer if they cover a candidate covertly?


A Leader probably moved it here, since discussions about whether to pay attention to fascists have played out a lot here and tend to automatically derail the original thread.


I moved it for exactly that reason. Thanks.

That question might better be asked to the RNC, which allowed him on the debate stage to be broadcast him to millions. It also might be asked to the corporate media outlets that have been gushing over him being the “winner” of that debate.

The Boing Boing article just points out that the smug, grinning arsehole they’re taking seriously as a candidate for one of the most powerful offices on the planet has always been a smug, grinning arsehole.


I’d personally really like to see fewer posts about MTG, Boebert, and all these clowns on BoingBoing, especially when it’s just “look what they said now” clickbait. There is no substance to this. All of these antics are just to gain attention and we’re giving it to them. I come here for Happy Mutant stuff. I’m not saying politics are off the table, but I feel like we should only interact with policy politics, not the distraction of gossip politics. If I never read another thing about MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, or any of them again my life would be better.


Especially when you know their only two reactions to the news are “did they at least spell my name right?” and “why aren’t they publishing anything about me today?”

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This is not a bulletin board for policy wonks. People in the real world will cite these people to try to “win.” Be aware, be prepared. Know your enemy.


Yes, but that doesn’t mean the board needs a separate, new thread for every time one of the GOP lunatics opens their noise hole and lets out an incoherent scream of hate and stupid.

We could have a single megathread for “Republican Politicians Saying Stupid Things For Attention” or something (probably needs a more pithy name) where the newest utterances of Empty Gee or Boebert or any number of other GOP howler monkeys could be posted and commented upon.

Anyone wanting to keep track of these fuckwits could then check the thread whenever it updates, or go on a dumpster dive every now and then, while the people who don’t want to have to pay attention to the latest screed of dumb evil could not read it.

It would mean less threads about not-so-awesome things clogging the board, and fewer thread headlines spreading annoyance around; a less clickbaity solution, in other words.

But we already have that!

It’s just that Boingboing’s publishers refuse to use it and insist on making their own posts, starting their own new threads. Sometimes redundantly, too.


I like reading them.

I also don’t read front page posts that don’t interest me.

You might try that.


Can I suggest a moratorium on posts about all these qnut clowns? At least thru the holidays.

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Let’s look at the last two weeks worth of posts tagged with elon-musk:

Maybe half of those are newsworthy. The rest are giving oxygen to a tantrum-throwing child who needs to be put in a corner and ignored for the betterment of the world.

If Discourse had an option to block tags or words such as Elon or Musk, I’d be all over that in a heartbeat.

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Fortunately- humans are already capable of skipping over them by themselves.


Also, ignoring fascist famously works! /s


For a number of years now Adams has been spouting off with hate-filled rants in sad attempts to gain attention. Stop giving it to him. Stop feeding the trolley.

Adams has been moving in this trajectory for years now. He’s basically devolved into:

  • All the world’s problems are the things that inconvenience or upset me, and
  • No one will fuck me.

He needs to be ignored; stop giving this loser ink.