Super Seducer is a Playstation/Steam game where players grab women's "boobs" and "asses"

Seduction doesn’t sound as cool when you realize it’s shorthand for “tricking people into liking you.”


Any chance you could make it so the link doesn’t autoplay when you click on it (or at least give it a NSFW tag?)

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Came here for this. So not disappointed.


piggish is not an adequate word, imo

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It can be a creep move, but it’s also how some people successfully flirt with strangers. I don’t think he’s saying “block her path” as such, but just making sure you have her attention for a moment. Unfortunately flirting is one of the most subtle human interactions you can find and there are widely varying preferences for how women like to be flirted with too. Probably overall not fantastic advice as it’s likely going to be taken the wrong way considering the audience.

I’m reaching just a bit here, but one positive aspect of this game is that as soon as the woman is like “HEY WHOA NO” it cuts to the dude saying “Yep, you screwed up, better luck next time”, reinforcing the fact that if she is not into it, that’s the end of it.

I mean, this game could more accurately be titled “So you’re a creep, let’s do less of that so you can stop being a self-hating misogynist who buys PUA-themed videogames”. It’s blazing a not the worst path through some really thorny stuff.


This is a game that teaches you how to be a MRA PUA etc.
It is a dating sim on sleaze mode.

ETA no wait it isn’t even a dating sim… It is a get a one night stand sim.


stop with the gaslight


OK, let’s take a poll.

Women of the BBS! If a strange man stopped you in the street to make an unsolicited comment on your appearance, would you find it

  • A charming form of flirtation
  • Creepy as fuck
0 voters

I almost clicked before fully reading the poll question… but Creepy as fuck.


You’re right, there are no subtile features of this topic whatsoever, and attempting to explore them is heresy.


There’s no NSFW ability on the BBS as far as I’m aware. That’s why I did the thing I did with the spoilers and the text description. Maybe coding horror could enlighten me on that, though.

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Toucha da bun


Surely “ankles and feet” less fucked up… :thinking:

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I highly recommend playing “Spec Ops: The Line”. The game is not what it seems at first, and is definitely a very interesting take on the subject. It’s best to play it without reading any spoilers :slight_smile:


yeah. but, why? what have these folks done for you to find excuses for them?

if they were actually trying to show how men should check their privilege and cultivate a world where men aren’t threatening women to get attention and “points” with other men – then wouldn’t they… i don’t know… say so?

instead, it’s framed as a pickup game.

let’s just take them at their word.


In rhetorical terms, not necessarily. With this approach it’s plausible that you might be reaching the people who need it most, the ones who don’t listen to “SJW white knight cucks”, for example.

I see what you’re saying, but what I’m saying is that this is a game that is marketed to horrible people in a light attempt to make them less horrible. It’s a really unusual thing to think about.

Well, the answer is in the question when you ask “if a strange man…”.

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I wonder how the same type of game would look with women randomly grabbing men asses on the street.

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again. where is your evidence? where do these people - not you - say that?

oh. i know. they can’t. because it’s a secret. we have to intuite their motives rather than taking their actual history in to account.

here’s the best way to deal with sexual offenders: tell them they are wrong. tell them their behavior is unacceptable. full stop.

for some reason you suggest we have to coddle them? seems reasonable to me.


In small doses you can almost forget that the housecat is nature’s perfect killing machine at that scale.
