Supercut of 1980s film references in Stranger Things

I, I couldn’t stick it. Mostly because of Ryder. If she took a little break now and then her desperation would resonate that much more deeply if you ask me. How many people have played that same character? How many have made the material unwatchable? First time for me, I think.

That felt like a nice neo-retro touch, didn’t it?

I read the use of ITC Benguiat was a homage to Stephen King book covers:

Were there 80s movies with this font, though? To me it just says “Pulp Fiction”.


The music in the series reminds me of the music in Beyond the Black Rainbow, which I found to be inspired more by Coscerelli than Carpenter (music included). Though I can see the similarities.

The Beyond the Black Rainbow soundtrack was done by a different artist, though - Sinoia Caves.


Also, the font they use is straight up from a Stephen King novel from the 80s.



Maybe that’s why I was partial to the series from the start; it was an instant dose of nostalgia.

I think I read that same review.

ST wasn’t perfect in its execution, but it was still mighty entertaining.

Several of them.


I read an article today about ITC Benguiat’s use in ST - one of the more “huh, wow!” callbacks was the use of the font in the old VHS piracy warning screens (Paramount’s, I think) -


Agreed on that similarity. Here is a deeper interview with the music creators:


I’m binge watching this today (screw work!) and the music & look/feel is amazeballs- but I’m just starting E3 and the colour pallet & composition is giving me the strongest tug towards Roger Dean’s work. I can’t really explain it tho. Great stuff!


There are several actual Tangerine Dream tracks used in the score from the album Exit and Green Desert.


I caught Exit during the fist fight (had to confirm I wasn’t crazy as it wasn’t an original score piece) Where were the other TD tracks?

EDIT: Nevermind, Green Desert when the chief (spoiler) rips apart his house. Were there more than those two?

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Yup, those are the location and are the only two I found that stood out to me.

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Kudos again to the score makers for creating such a great synth filled 80s nostalgia trip that it makes me miss an actual appearance by TD.

Never have I liked 80’s music more.


I feel like there’s a vampire movie the title card borrows from too, but it definitely reminded me of House II: The Second Story


Regarding the comments about Winona, I’ve always found the vitriol aimed her way perplexing because I, in part, participate. She’s certainly not my ideal actress (that would be my personnel goddess, Helena Bonham Carter), and I had problems with her performance in ST as well. But the dislike – my dislike – of her has always seemed somewhat irrational to me, particularly regarding a variety of other actresses who are equally good/bad who don’t engender the same passionate response.

My personal theory: For me, she portrayed several characters who embodied what I wanted to be at a certain time in my life (e.g., Heathers and Reality Bites and Little Women). At the time, I fell in love with her. Then, she turned out not to be the great, wonderful actress I thought she was and I confused my love of those characterizations with her abilities. I want her to be a better actress than she is, and when that doesn’t happen, I get angry.

Also, Finn Wolfhard is only second to Compassion Mindflayer as the best name ever.


I dunno, I have a soft spot for Winona; due mainly to her iconic (and some not so iconic) movie roles in the 80’s, regardless to any actual talent.



That’s still great.


I loved her once, I love her still. I wanted to be her; I wanted Timothy Leary as my godfather too. She was so, so good at the uncomfortable teen who didn’t quite fit in right when I was the uncomfortable teen who didn’t quite fit in. The line from “Heathers” – "that’s it! we’re breaking up! ( – I just used it here, on BBS.

But, if I’m being objective, the pedestal I built for her is a sand-cement mixture that sometimes crumples.*

*I know nothing about structural integrity of sand and cement. Please let this metaphor flow over you if you know more.


Seen and liked; I knew exactly what you were quoting.


Heathers is my jam, when it comes to dark comedy.


Away from Winona and back to the point, husband and I are still watching, although I read all the recaps because I’m Harry and read the last page of every book in case I die and I need to know, people. Anyway, this happened:

Me: That “right here” comment, that sounds familiar. What’s that from?
Husband [staring at me like I’m not the person he agreed to marry]: Um, it’s from E.T.

Love, my friends, is when you can ask stupid questions and the other person may not be able hide his/her face, but they don’t exploit the opportunity to make you feel stupid.


She is great in both those movies! I <3 Winona!

Also, Heathers is THE best teen movie. Pretty much everything since has been trying to be Heathers and fails.