old!? geez, your health insurance must be way better than mine…
But the women’s comments were just as bad.
the problem is people. these people, not the other, unspecified, generalised others. not men, not women, people, these specific people performing publicly to appeal to other specific people. can we deal with this like this. can we finger point? can we treat them as they would treat us, or do we have to treat them as we would like to be treated? do we have to wait til the line they have pushed so far back already is inevitably and predictably crossed? personally, i would like to correct my faults, especially the ones i am unaware of. i dont think its a matter of opinion or perspective, its the complete apparent lack of it. but these people, they’ve read to many newagey things that assure them, they are done, they are perfect little grasshoppers with no room for reason.
Did you actually watch the video and see some of the disgusting things they said? Calling people out when they are being sexist, racist, homophobic, or what have you is not the same thing as being an asshole.
They’re just playing the success-game that Roger set up, though. it’s hard to blame them.
At one point I figured I had to be halfway through that vile video. I checked, I was only a minute in.
yeah now I need to punch something. Unicorn chaser please?
I don’t suppose anyone has the stomach to transcribe it, huh?
Would you consider me a hero if I did it for you?
First line out of Bill O’Reilly:
There's gotta be some... downside to having a woman president, right? SOMETHING!
That’s where I stopped. It was too brain-hurty. “I can’t possibly explain how or why there’s a downside to there being a woman president. But I’m going to baselessly assert that view with nothing to back it up. Because I’m a fucking brain-damaged pre-hominin.”
With that sentence, he’s basically just proven that he thinks women are inferior to men in some basic way, without any reasons other than his fetid gut instinct. He’s admitted outright that he’s just a misogynist and doesn’t have anything of value to say about women. Not that I’d listen to whatever he has to say until after he spends a lot of time apologizing sincerely for a lot of things in addition to that.
Unicorns are overrated. Take this sampling of 90’s animated pizza gifs instead!
(Pizza really exists.)
Age is really not the defining characteristic. Bias and closemindedness is. It’s just that certain old people, in their age, come to the conclusion that everything they did up to that point was correct. To justify that, to justify their existence, they’ll insist that everyone else follow that path.
In any case, young Conservatives are just as bad as old Conservatives (eg, a James O’Keefe, or D’Sousa when he was a college lad in Dartmouth). Perhaps worse. They espouse all values of old, entrenched Conservatives-- and yet they didn’t even have that life experience to look back upon and to have become fatuously self-satisfied. They are precociously closeminded.
Nah. Wait until you get here. It’s pretty fun.
Close-minded, bigoted assholes, that’s another story-- whatever their age and ethnicity.
yes, i actually watched the video. they seemed like assholes being sexist (racist and homophobic in other videos) classist, superior, entitled. didn’t you think so? i know we all have assholes, but to be defined by them…
Well, that’s what we’re talking about… how Fox propagates sexism and racism, not that all white men are indeed racist and sexist, but how racism and sexism is reinforced and imagined as common sense.
again, i get that what you just said about making it seem casual and common is the point you and the post are trying to make. what i am trying to point out in progression of the idea, is that it is not fox, it is people, these specific people. and there are others who embody these same views and expressions who are neither fox employees nor viewers. and the opposite goes as well ( as improbable as it may seem), fox employees and viewers trying to do something and the nonspecific sweep that drags them. what i mean is that it is much more productive, although unpopular, to keep the words in the mouth that spoke em. its kinda like a fart, ok, so the farter made the whole room stink, and many times the fart aggravates everyone cept the dealer, but is it everyones fault for being in the room, is it even the farters fault for farting? are we concerned for the smellers or the future of the room? what i mean is that these people smell like constant farts…
Yes, and they have pretty strong social power in the united states, especially in regards to shaping local and federal laws… The fact that they allow this shit to be broadcast on a rather regular basis says something about the state of America. This is a network that basically makes on of our major political parties. That’s a bit more than just a fart in the room…
you know, i dont know, i dont know you, i dont know them, hell if i know myself, i just read, or saw, or heard some thing about another thing that was told to me via an analogous network of connections through time space and perspective, and basically, this is more than talking to the tv, but im not quite talking directly to you or you me, right? i diverge publicly here, but im asking, does everyones asshole speak for them at times? the fart songs the fill the room to the brim with the whim of of a quick type…, sorry, yes, i believe i get my content suggestion based on a type of deeply infiltrated influence exerted through sheer exposure, repetition, and implied or self imposed limitation. that these opinionators people would pay to be in charge is an obvious character trait, that they would try to impose themselves over me in a classist mentatlity stimulates me to think of a future which requires a restructuring in the present, a list of grievances, and restitution. the laws and guvment and popo parties i didnt get invited to, wouldnt wanna go, id rather go to a meeting, cause this shits is serious, but its also shit. and farts…from assholes…na mean?
Yes. Yes, of course I do, and we’re your friends…we’re not like the others, man.
Nice turn of phrase!