Supreme Court rejects Trump's appeal in Mar-A-Lago documents case

Probably let the legally arresting agent arrest him. Their job is to keep him alive, not protect him from going to jail. It would be interesting to see a Secret Service detail protecting him in his cell, the yard, and the cantina for 20 to life…

Of course, given the possible collaboration with the insurrectionists about which we’re now getting confirmation, I wouldn’t be surprised if some agents did try to protect him from being arrested.


(Spoilers for Babylon 5 “Endgame”)

Let’s also remember that President Clark ordered the Earth defense grid turned back on the Earth just before he died (leaving behind the message “scorched earth”) and they had to scramble to disable the satellites before they fired and destroyed 40% of the Earth’s surface. Let’s hope Optimus Crime no longer has any kind of access to anything to parallel that part of Clark’s plan.


Beat me to it


I know it feels that way :blush: but the article is about the J6’s voted-on subpoena and the impetus leading to vote.

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Anticipation Popcorn GIF

Handcuffs don’t inherently cause injury. Their job is to protect him, not coddle him. If they are worried some local cop is going to rough him up, maybe they would offer to put the cuffs on him themselves.


Yeah, that’s going to be an issue with Trump with a lot of the criminal charges he’s facing - what do you do with an ex-president who needs to go to jail? I suspect some… creative solutions will come into play.

This whole thing with the J6 committee is going to be funny after Trump kept complaining that he never got to give “his side” during the hearings. Well, he has a chance, now! Except he’ll do his best to avoid showing up at all, and when he does get there, it’s going to be nothing but “I plead the 5th.”


That would certainly be the sensible thing to do for someone in his position, wouldn’t it? So now I’m thinking he’ll probably testify after all.


Donald Glover Reaction GIF

Look Here Reaction GIF by Paul McCartney

Go with him?


I see this question much the same as I see the question from before Biden took office of “What if [Trump] refuses to leave [The White House]?”

I mean, Supermax prisons are well equipped to keep prisoners in but also keep some prisoners isolated. Alternatively, upgrade facilities in a lower-security prison to keep him separately from the rest.


I don’t know if it’s because Trump gets legal advice of the most basic competence, or his preservation instinct kicks in, but when forced into court he either “forgets” everything or, when there’s actual criminal liability, takes the 5th. All the shit-talking and self-incrimination happens outside a legal context, when he thinks he can avoid consequences - in legal contexts, he normally gets other people to break the law or perjure themselves in his stead. (And in the case of these documents, that’s not due to legal advice, given that he got his lawyers to falsely swear in legal documents for him, so it must be something he’s picked up from a lifetime of avoiding consequences.)


I try not to give in to cruel/vindictive impulses, but on this one, I’m with you. I want to see him spend the rest of his days in an orange jumpsuit in a tiny room with a completely visible toilet that probably takes a lot more than 5 flushes.


Uh…jail them?


Not necessarily. It hasn’t worked out so well for Steve Bannon thus far. But, if you can afford good legal representation you can do everything you can to try to delay delay delay and run out the clock in the hope of a more partisan-friendly Congress. In general, it’s pretty rare that anybody goes to jail for Contempt of Congress, and as Trump and his minions have proven Congress is pretty toothless with their ability to actually enforce subpoenas.

I think the last person to actually serve any time for Contempt of Congress was G. Gordon Liddy.


He does not.

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Perhaps not the current detail, but the budget planners for the detail would rejoice at the cost reduction. The details afterwards would likely enjoy the elimination of travel from their responsibilities.

For that matter, you could build a new dedicated facility just for this. It would still likely be cheaper than providing protection while he travels. Even just a new dedicated wing off an existing federal prison to leverage the existing land and physical infrastructure.

Someone should suggest to him that he contracts to build the place to extract the construction cost and volunteers to take up residence. That would fit the grift pattern of volunteer for A while extracting profit from B. Still be a good deal for the rest of us.


The issue being that even in jail, they still are required to get secret service protection, which gets a bit awkward

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Then, Vir waves, like this.


I just want him off Earth, permanently.

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Solitary confinement, with an agent posted outside their cell on rotating shifts, should do the trick. Bonus: it would probably be less costly than the multiple agents needed to cover them when roaming free.


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