Supreme Court to strike down Roe v. Wade in draft ruling leaked to Politico


F@cks News isn’t even cooking the “red meat” they toss to their frothing minions.
Right on brand for Fascism News!


That’s the end of the court,” Ingraham predicted. “Clerks are never going to be able to have this role at the court that they have now. They’re never going to be able to have access to opinions.

don’t they write the opinions?


I actually changed my mother’s opinion on the filibuster by sending her this portion of the Federalist Papers #22:

To give a minority a negative upon the majority (which is always the case where more than a majority is requisite to a decision), is, in its tendency, to subject the sense of the greater number to that of the lesser. Congress, from the nonattendance of a few States, have been frequently in the situation of a Polish diet, where a single vote has been sufficient to put a stop to all their movements. A sixtieth part of the Union, which is about the proportion of Delaware and Rhode Island, has several times been able to oppose an entire bar to its operations. This is one of those refinements which, in practice, has an effect the reverse of what is expected from it in theory. The necessity of unanimity in public bodies, or of something approaching towards it, has been founded upon a supposition that it would contribute to security. But its real operation is to embarrass the administration, to destroy the energy of the government, and to substitute the pleasure, caprice, or artifices of an insignificant, turbulent, or corrupt junto, to the regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority. In those emergencies of a nation, in which the goodness or badness, the weakness or strength of its government, is of the greatest importance, there is commonly a necessity for action. The public business must, in some way or other, go forward. If a pertinacious minority can control the opinion of a majority, respecting the best mode of conducting it, the majority, in order that something may be done, must conform to the views of the minority; and thus the sense of the smaller number will overrule that of the greater, and give a tone to the national proceedings. Hence, tedious delays; continual negotiation and intrigue; contemptible compromises of the public good.

ETA: Also, the original source of the filibuster? Aaron Burr. Fuck that guy. He killed the guy who wrote the above, and then he created the filibuster.


Agreed; cheers to whomever leaked this info.

My exact point; if they even try, then the US as a country is done.

TPTB like/benefit from the fucked up status quo way too much to let that happen.


Notice the crickets from those on high on the ReichWingers. Roe has been their favorite political football for 50 years. The machinations verbal backflips will be Oscar worthy on the House floor and Senate.


so I guess we should savage this document, and not play guess the source



This is not going to go or end well, pretty much for anyone.


It could be anyone who had access to the brief, and not necessarily a clerk. I also find it very surprising that a clerk would risk their job and future employment opportunities. My immediate thought was that it is someone who is overjoyed that Roe will be overturned. A knife in the gut for the 70% of us who support women’s reproductive choices.


I hope this is a bridge too far for enough people that they start voting Republicans out of office and then some of this BS is fixed. As of right now, 2022 doesn’t look good. :confused:


They should have leaked it on twitter, this has been a huge week for the GOP talking about how they’re the party of Free Speech, and Elon Musk will help freedom up the place.


Before the news, there was this.


You mean that all of the reassurances regarding Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barret were… less than honest?


yup, all that

( edit: that graph is “deaths per 100,000 live births”. people will die because of this decision )


A question for all those folks who said in 2016 that there wasn’t any difference between Democrats and Republicans: How’s that working out for you?


Canadian in need of background here: were they hearing some relevant case? Seems like this just popped into existence.

What did I miss?


This won’t change the mind of a single Republican, they’re gone beyond any hope of redemption. I’d like to think it would finally, finally mobilize the vast untapped pool of nonvoters, but if four years of Trump wasn’t enough, I doubt this will be. It likely won’t be enough to get the Democratic party to actually work hard towards eliminating voter suppression, either. They seem content to let the Republican party rig the election years in advance so that a smaller and smaller extremist fringe is capable of taking power and forcing the rest of us into their twisted, disgusting vision of the world. I’m really not sure what to do other than protest and vote, as usual.


Also: how certain is it this draft will see the light of day as a ruling?


Then you see things like this and expect to see it more in larger terms elsewhere. It screws the LGBTQ community hurts the poor and the upside helps the landlord class: