Sure, Fall's a great season. Unless you are a Native American

Since I am a tad wary of adding substantive discourse to this conversation (due to lack of nuance in many serious internet threads) can I just give you a hearty slap on the back and a guffaw? I had forgotten about that image, and it just focuses everything so well.

I kinda wish there was one for a fictional Oregon Crackers.


You’re intentionally conflating contexts so you can enjoy your racist sports team without having to worry about it being titled after the common, epithetical usage of the word.

Your problem is that you pretend that context doesn’t matter, and you’re either playing dumb here and/or attempting to actively deceive.


I don’t think anyone here is saying that the word should NEVER be used. However, refusing to use it to refer to that team is a form of protest – a way of pointing out that the team’s ongoing usage of it, despite long and loud and justified protests, is racist.


And making excuses for racism, enabling it further is itself participating in racism.

That’s not the world anyone should want to live in. And again, not something someone should pass off to their kids.


It’s not necessarily wrong or offensive for the N-word to appear in a court document, depending on the context. For example, a court case revolving around Randall Kennedy’s 2002 book Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word.

It would be pretty darn offensive for that word to appear in ten-foot-tall lettering on the side of a sports stadium and emblazoned on uniforms. That’s the kind of “context” we’re talking about here.


Worth noting that the Guardian has referred to that team solely as Washington for some time. Not sure if any other media/sports sites do that.


It’s pretty damn racist. And the part that confounds me is that there is no face lost in retiring a word or symbol.

Most native Americans I know don’t have a problem with Seminoles, or the Willamette valley, or a million other actual names of tribes. But redskins? Come on.


Well, actually, here’s a very high-profile (and pretty wonderful) moment:

Too long; won’t watch? Here’s the highlight: "Think for a moment about the term ‘Redskins’ and how it truly differs from all the others. Ask yourself what the equivalent would be, if directed [at] African-Americans. Hispanics. Asians. Or members of any other ethnic group. When considered that way, ‘Redskins’ can’t possibly honor a heritage, or a noble character trait, nor can it possibly be considered a neutral term. It is an insult, a slur, no matter how benign the present-day intent.”


That was spectacular, and spot on. Ty.


“Racists” have problems with shame. Accepting that something is wrong is taken as a personal attack on themselves. Therefore they will not under any circumstances back down or do right by someone else. Their heads are so fixated on the idea that they “can’t be racist” that they will refuse to analyze any situation, just react with hostility.

I mean, it’s some brutal honesty to accept that ones ideas aren’t always pure, and that there’s a lot of work to eradicate societal programming. But I’d rather acknowledge when my ideas are terrible than continue kneejerk being an asshole about race, class, gender, etc.

Also, sports seems a special focal point for regressivism, for whatever reason.


Yeah. It’s not as if spectator sports usually engage our higher faculties.


But that is precisely where my head gets whipped around. There is no shame!

I sincerely believe supporters of the Washington team don’t actually have a racist bone in their bodies. I suspect it is more a generalized Us vs Them (a la sports) mentality–i.e. the name is a game.

But I dunno. Just change your damn name to the Washington Chehalis.

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I agree! Or at least, that that’s a big part of the problem. MANY of the supporters of the Washington team’s name and logo, as with those of similarly racist names and mascots and logos, see the efforts to change them as part of “the whole political correctness thing that’s just taking over this country!” Fighting to keep things that THEY don’t see as racist becomes one way of fighting back against politically correct librul pussies and such.


We know more than enough about Ruprecht, thanks.


[quote=“japhroaig, post:57, topic:66631”]
But that is precisely where my head gets whipped around. There is no shame!

I sincerely believe supporters of the Washington team don’t actually have a racist bone in their bodies.[/quote]
I disagree, in that we’re all fucked-up to some extent with history and latent bad ideas.

The “shamelessness” comes from ways we deal with what would otherwise shame us, compartmentalized away and hidden and with big teeth and traps when we try to approach it. That’s why we see all this dishonesty and kneejerk protection of dumb ideas.

If we accept and release these ideas, we introduce the idea that we “see race” and have some regressive ideas bouncing around.

Sure is a coincidence, I guess!

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Oh, you know I put that in there on porpoise.

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Ugh, “political correctness”! Why don’t we call it what it really is, “considering a different point of view, for just one fucking second?”


Just mentally substitute “empathy” for PC whenever you see people whining about how it’s destroying society, and how they “can’t say anything anymore”.


And speaking of Fall being a (not) great season to be Native – what are you going to say in a month or so, when you see another white woman appropriating a bit of the old exotic to tart herself up like this?

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