Originally published at: Sympathy cards for school shootings surprise shoppers | Boing Boing
I love this kind of art, but it absolutely caused me to choke up. Which is the point. Good on them.
Same here. That was really well done.
Contemplating school shootings on its own is enough to get me going, often, but their use of the music and sirens interspersed with people’s reactions and close ups of the cards was extra compelling.
I’ll be keeping my eyes open for this group.
I can’t believe that this was initially posted in December 2018 and nothing has changed in 3½ years.
Oh it has… it’s gotten worse.
Step 2:
Mail these of our elected representatives.
“So sorry your democracy failed. Thoughts & Prayers.”
That’s just… wow.
Oooooooh, art project. I just assumed it was actual capitalism.
Same here.
Glad to be wrong.
I was expecting a BB Shop link.
We need to do some guerrilla installations of these at Wal-Marts.
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