Taco Bell exec is suing the Uber driver he beat up for $5 million

So is he/his lawyer getting paid by Martin Shkreli to draw some attention away from the current world heavyweight champion douche?


Actually, that’s similar to what actually happens. It’s super easy for an individual to get a semi-automatic, like an AR-15, but quite hard to get a fully-automatic machine gun. But if you form an NFA trust, the trust can then buy the machine gun and other restricted items without having to jump through all the hoops an individual would have to (like background checks, fingerprints, approval from law enforcement, etc.). Then, you, and anyone in your family, can just “borrow” the gun from your trust.


Let’s not pretend that the violence done to this poor fellow, who only made a split-second error of judgement, hasn’t ruined his life.

The violence of screaming hordes of anonymous devils, following him around the internet and probably even the real world. The violence done to his job and his reputation. The violence of the looks of fear from people on the street who recognise him. The violence of the driver who initiated this tirade of unending butchery by posting the video online.

Grow up people. This is a new world. Where otherwise upstanding captains of industry can have their whole lives ripped from them for one, tiny, miniscule, evanescent error of judgement.

And that judgement was impaired by alcohol. He hardly even meant it.


I think the actual argument is that he posted the video online. I think the entire lawsuit is predicated on the fact that he went out of his way to publicly shame Golden.

Wow, the new users are simply coming out of the woodwork to help us understand the poor attacker isn’t really that bad at all.


California Penal Code 632(a) states:

Every person who, intentionally and without the consent of all parties to a confidential communication, by means of any electronic amplifying or recording device, eavesdrops upon or records the confidential communication, whether the communication is carried on among the parties in the presence of one another or by means of a telegraph, telephone, or other device, except a radio, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or in the state prison, or by both that fine and imprisonment.

Good luck getting a jury to buy that video of the plaintiff beating up the defendant is “confidential communication.”


I’m thinking probably about $100K/year and a melanin score of some kind.


What a fucking psychopath. He should have cut his losses and stayed under the radar.


NVM - I didn’t realize who the quote was about…

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That’s a fair point, I grant, but I wonder if we shouldn’t, generally speaking, embrace that paradigm shift. It seems like Mr. Golden’s “error of judgment” showcases a pretty horrifying part of his personality–I don’t accept the premise that the alcohol “made him do it.” Alcohol can impair one’s inhibitions, yes, but it cannot bring forth a capability for cruelty that wasn’t already there.
I don’t think we should tolerate violence or abuse, and I don’t think we should give this gentleman a bye for his actions–he clearly believed, on some level, that he could get away with assaulting this poor man. But what’s worth dissecting here is the fact that I imagine that, throughout the scope of human history, a lot of people have gotten away with stuff like this because there was no record to hold them accountable. Yes, it’s a new age–and that means increased transparency and accountability.
One of two things can happen from this paradigm shift, I think–either we hold people to a higher social standard, or (more likely) we gain a greater understanding of how and why people mess up, and a greater empathy for those mistakes. Either way, I think claiming that Mr. Golden is some kind of victim because people don’t like the fact that he drunkenly assaulted his driver is pretty absurd.


with a chainsaw


Caban is the driver, the one who got beat up.

This 5M suit is a counter suit, a big fuck you to the driver’s original 25K suit - looks like the driver made the mistake of asking for a reasonable amount, a mistake Douche Bro isn’t going to fall for. Anyway, this isn’t a separate action. Cross complaints like this are often used to force a settlement in the matter of the original suit. It’s just the defendant’s attorney counter attacking in a massive dickish way.


While I’d agree that it’s traumatic to find your name and face plastered all over the place stating you’re a monster, then losing your job and having to pretty much start over from scratch, in this case he brought it on himself. Regardless of a camera being there, it would have been made known that he was the attacker eventually and something on this caliber was bound to go viral regardless of video being taken.

I don’t want him to be suffering from any sort of PTSD, but he brought it on himself. Any reasonable person would seek a therapist and not a lawyer to fix their problems in a situation like this. That, more than anything, I think is a telling indicator to what kind of person Mr. Golden is.

I find this quote to be dubious at best (and coming from a lawyer it’s likely to be technically true, but a whole load more to it). Violent behaviors very very rarely come from nowhere. The man needs help, and I think once he gets that help everyone needs to lay off him. Before he gets that help and before he takes responsibility for his actions, though, he’s on his own.


I totally can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not… But if you’re not, I salute your absurdity.


You sometimes hear the phrase “people who are only alive because it would be illegal to kill them”; but rarely do you meet such an exquisite specimen of the breed.


I would have thought that everyone already saw the actually video when the story first came out, but barring that, the seconds passing faster than the normal length of a second are on the gif at the bottom.

I’m going with parody based on the length of the post, lack of spelling/grammatical errors, and the phrase “upstanding captains of industry.”


Streisand reference here


Given that the ‘young kid’ is 32 years old; and his complete lack of altercations includes the incident of him beating down the driver; I’d say that it isn’t even technically true, much less honest.