Tales from the Wasteland

#Bad-ASS Dragons of the Wasteland: The Director’s Butt

Welcome to the Director’s Cut of Badass Waste Dragons. With us is Game-Master-Extraordinaire, @Donald_Petersen.

Mr. Petersen, how did you come up with the premise of SHITGO?

The setting for this game was unique. How did you decide on a setting of carburetors: prior to electronic ignition and fuel injection?

Did you ever worry the game mechanics would be too difficult for people to play?

The central narrators were The Kid and Marion: The Porta-Pot-AI. What was your inspiration for these pivotal NPCs?

In telling this epic, was it ever hard to express what you felt?

You’re on record several times as to wondering whether people were still interesting in playing the game. How did you keep the faith?

BWD had some signnificant GM help. We heard @JonasEggeater was hard to work with. What was your most challenging moment with him?

And what about that @penguinchris, he had made some AMAZING art for this. What was your favorite?

Thank you so much for this interview, Mr. Petersen! Please look into the camera and tell your fans how exicted you are about making Badass Wasteland Dragons 2: Electric Porta-loo

And now, a word from one of the biggest fans. In one sentence, @daneel, how did it feel playing the Achilles of this grand story?