Perfect toilet-paper dispensing machine

I got yer back on this one. We all have our hygiene needs, and as adults, we’re responsible for knowing what those needs are without anyone’s help, however well-meaning. I occasionally waggle a stern finger under my son’s nose for excess use of toilet paper, because he’s five years old, and when he clogs the john he hasn’t yet learned how to employ the plunger. We’ll get him sorted out in short order, including the putting-the-seat-and-lid-down-after-use issue (things fall off the counter into the crapper otherwise).

Another 100% agree. When I were a lad, my family used Charmin, which was soft and cuddly and perfectly fine for hairless butts. But as I got older and hairier down in the Unspeakable Nethers, I’d find Charmin tends to shred too easily with even the gentlest bum-scrub, if you’re actually trying to get all the crap off. So I switched to Scott, which works exactly as well as you describe.

As an aside, my elementary school used to use this terribly cheap single-sheet-stacked toilet paper that was incredibly time-consuming to get a decent handful of… by design, since less paper used made it cheaper for the school. We always called it John Wayne Toilet Paper: it’s rough, it’s tough, and it don’t take shit from nobody. Because of this bad toilet paper, I crapped precisely once at school in the 13 years I attended public school.