Teaching a banjo workshop while undergoing an EEG

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/24/neuro-banjo.html

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“A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo and doesn’t.”
-Mark Twain

Full disclosure- I have been known to play the banjo on occasion, to the regret of anyone in the immediate vicinity.


I heard a very similar phrase about the bagpipes.


“The banjo - the last resort of an antisocial person.”
– Eric Idle


I wonder if he or his doctors will calibrate the time he’s playing the banjo with the output of the EEG. Could make for some interesting findings about music, the brain, and epilepsy. Or not.


Now I demand to see the results.

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I see the doctor about the result of this and other tests this coming Friday. I will ask him if anything interesting happened while I was doing the workshop.

Heck, just proving brain activity in a banjo player is a big first step!

Patrick Costello


Welcome to Boing Boing!


There was a bloke taken to court for practicing his bagpipes in the local park where there was a prohibition on playing musical instruments. His defence was that Bagpipes are not a musical instrument, but an instrument of war.


@euansmith @Tamsin_Bailey

I have a neighbor who is a British expat. On cool, fog-shrouded mornings, he is sometimes sighted in the side yard wearing boxer shorts, wellingtons and playing mournfully on his bagpipes. It is a hard job to resist putting an arrow through the bag.


I can imagine few sounds more mournful than the dying wheeze of a punctured set of bagpipe.


All the best with your results, and I hope there is something really weird or otherwise interesting in the readings from your banjo time.

Maybe this will lead to Medicinal Banjo Playing, and even, the eventual legalization of Banjo Playing for personal use. There would, of course, have to be stiff fines for those who supply Banjos to anyone the age of 40.

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Be careful. bagpipes look easy but you have to be as strong as an ox to make them work, I tried playing one years back. Couldn’t even make it squeak!


Maybe I shouldn’t be so unneighborly- we could pair up, his awful bagpipe skills, my awful banjo playing, call ourselves something like Twangsack of Damnation and take the noisecore world by storm.


How would you know it was punctured?

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Wishing you a good medical outcome. Fellow banjo player Eddie Adcock played while having brain surgery performed. I believe medical science has already proven the existence of brain activity in banjo players, it is just a rare trait.

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