Tearful Obama calls for 'sense of urgency' to fight gun violence in America

That’s wrong. Why not eliminate the bureaucracy with Sudafed instead, so the comparison is right?

We need the microreactor rigs, so the self-imposed pharmaceutical gatekeepers can be rendered irrelevant…

Very true!

Because I don’t think people should be able to walk up to another person, hand them a wad of cash, and walk away with a firearm without government oversight and paperwork. That’s why.

You want to buy something made to kill living things instantly? Great. You’re going to do paperwork, background checks, records sent to places, etc. every time.

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That’s what CNC machines are for.

Great, you want to make guns. I’m sure that goes over well in whatever nation you actually live in. Let me know how that works out for you in Poland (isn’t it?). Let us know what the inside of the prisons looks like.

Have you read this? Its really really interesting!

As a Canadian, I’m all for this, I think Canada should do this too!


Hadn’t seen this. thanks!

Again crime is down. Accidents are down. How is it not working? Peoples perceptions and reality is often two different things. Many people also have a point of view that Muslims are terrorists, blacks commit crime, or what ever popularly held belief you can draw as an example that doesn’t line up with the facts.

Yeah, if I bought Sudafed off of Craiglist I wouldn’t have to go through a process either. Both of which are legal (AFAIK). Thanks for showing that setting up rules and schemes are very easily circumvented.


turns on tv

sees mass shooting

waits a week


Your definition of “working” isn’t “working” for most Americans anymore.


I don’t even know why I’m talking to you. We all know you’re all about gun ownership and prying them from your cold dead hands, thread after thread. I’m an idiot for even posting here, clearly.

Dead children? Well, that’s the price of a free society, son.


OH - so your perception trumps reality. I can find examples of all sorts of things, that doesn’t validate my opinion. Every day I can find an example of Muslims killing each other and others. So if I had the opinion that Muslims were all basically violent terrorists, I can use this evidence to back my opinion, right?

Yep - we disarmed them after WWII and they continued with that after the war. Japan basically has no guns because of this. That isn’t an option in the US because of the Constitution, and Canada I dare say would raise a fuss if you tried a complete ban.

Oddly, they still have a much higher suicide rate (nearly 2x more than the US). But their murder rate is very low compared to just about anywhere. But I dare say both their suicide and murder rates are due to their culture and social-economic status.

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Puhhleeeaasseee… You have no rational argument so you appeal to emotions of “dead children”. There are many more things killing children than guns. Better just lock them up in your ivory towers in bubble wrap.


Right, right, do nothing. I get you. You support the same ol’ same ol’ because it all works and this is all a media hype game to stir up the American people. These spree killings are no big deal and we should just get used to them because they really don’t murder that many people. Certainly not enough to want to restrict your access to a firearm or inconvenience you in any way.

Would you like to see the US culture change to accept a reduction in/ban in personal firearm ownership, or do you prefer it as it is now? Do you think ‘Freedom’ is the most important thing/do you subscribe to American exceptionalism?

How about NRA and their members actively campaigning to help reduce some of the causes of crime that might reduce gun deaths without needing more gun control - say, more work on poverty, access to healthcare, demilitarizing the police…(and supporting candidates? Perhaps difficult since tho politicians most likely to do that also support increased gun control).

Is there a death threshold at which you would consider gun ownership not to be worth the lives lost to guns?

What would you (or people you know who shoot) do if the 2nd amendment were repealed and guns were banned? I know people here who are/have been part of the militia and talk the talk about armed resistance to that…

Sorry, as the resident gun guy here you get all my questions…

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If you really cared about children, swear off alcohol, push for prohibition, and join MADD or similar organization. At least then you will be putting your efforts into actually helping people your purport to care about. Child homicide by gun is very low. There are accidental deaths. but they too are very low. 1149 children under the age of 14 died in 2013 from drunk driving alone. That doesn’t count the ones injured in drunk driving or hurt when their parent or care taker was drunk and hurt them, or when they drank alcohol and hurt themselves.

They are already restricted and I am already inconvenienced. We have thousands of gun laws across the nation. Don’t act like it is a free for all. Mass shootings are incredibly rare, even if for some reason there has been an increase lately. But until we perfect precog crime fighting, no, you won’t be able to stop all of them. Face reality.


Yet you can still buy a gun from someone in a diner for cash. Yeah, lots of restrictions there.

By the time I expect to actually need to, there won’t be much of rule of law left.

If/when that happens, I bloody want to have the means on hand.

On a side note, EDM machining, while the removal rate is much slower than milling, has a good chance to work on ubiquitous, cheap, low-force weak-frame 3d printers. Lots of other uses, too, e.g. on-demand making of screwdriver tips from 3d-scanned heads - death to the “security” screws and all other technologies that “protect” me from myself and generally are a pain.

No nation without universal and unlimited health care could say so, either.

There isn’t a single nation in the history of the planet where life was held to be anything close to an absolute right.


[quote=“daneel, post:276, topic:71595, full:true”]
Would you like to see the US culture change to accept a reduction in/ban in personal firearm ownership, or do you prefer it as it is now? Do you think ‘Freedom’ is the most important thing/do you subscribe to American exceptionalism?"[/quote]

I am not sure I understand the first question. I see a reduction in ownership? Like that people no longer want to own them like we no longer want to own fur coats or something?

[quote=“daneel, post:276, topic:71595, full:true”]
How about NRA and their members actively campaigning to help reduce some of the causes of crime that might reduce gun deaths without needing more gun control [/quote]

Yeah - that would help. I am sure there are those who do some cross pollinating. The problem with lobby groups is they are focused mainly on their one issue. Though I do encourage people who are anti-abortion to make sure they too are pro-welfare and pro-charity work for the poor as well as pro-sex ed. Those three things will do more to end abortion than their signs.

[quote=“daneel, post:276, topic:71595, full:true”]
Is there a death threshold at which you would consider gun ownership not to be worth the lives lost to guns?[/quote]

Not really. It’s a tool. I guess if we had so many dead people from guns, we need to look at what horrible humans we are and why. I mean, overall we are the most peaceful on earth than we ever have been.

But here, let’s ask this, how bad does crime have to get or terror attacks have to get before things like racist “stop and frisk”, surveillance, profiling, anti-cryptology laws, and other things that strip you and I of civil rights become “ok”? I mean surely if we had a bombing a week would calls to deport Muslims be justified? Or would the fact that only a tiny percentage of people are in the wrong doesn’t justify demonizing all of them?

Personally? Probably turn them all in. I might stash a few away in the woods somewhere in the event things got like Stalin bad. But the reality for me is I have a kid and a job and a shit leg and I wouldn’t make a good martyr.


@Mister44 argues that all of this hubbub is nothing and it is just overhyped emotions. There is nothing to see here and certainly nothing that meets the threshold of changing the oh so onerous gun laws of America.

The rest of the country (go look at newspapers, watch the president in the article this is attached to, etc) very much thinks there is something to see here and that guns are a significant part of the problem. As long as gun nuts ignore this and pretend this is all nothing, they’re going to be at the mercy of what the majority decide to do. As I’ve said many times, a smarter NRA or gun rights group would get in front of this and support the kinds of rational things Obama and others are suggesting. Instead, by insisting that there is no problem, they’re just seen as people that favor gun rights over the lives of citizens. Since quite a few of the people killed have been children and students, mentioning child deaths is not out of line, actually.