Ted Cruz said his daughters demanded a vacation so he had no choice but to flee Texas during a deadly arctic blast

Came to say this! Over $300 per night is considered “good rates” now? For a room to sleep in? In Mexico?
2 nights would be more than my monthly mortgage payment.
They were planning to stay 4 nights, and I’m guessing they might have been getting 2 adjoining rooms, so way, way out of my range of “good rates.”


Part of leadership is maintaining the morale of the people you are responsible for. A lot of his constituents are hanging by a thread and the belief that things will get better is one of the few things sustaining them. Symbolic gestures count for a lot in this respect and he made a very horrible, albeit accurate, one by jumping ship.


Always blame the women. I see a pattern here.

I disagree. The best thing Ted Cruz could’ve done is to stay put and maintain a low profile.

Think about how Ted RealHuman™ Cruz Ted got to Mexico. He flew. How did he get to the airport? Presumably not by teleportation. If he drove he did so on roads that were unsafe to drive. Then there’s the flight itself when airport ops were largely shut down. Assuming the airport was never going to shut down completely aren’t there perhaps more important flights for them to handle? Assuming the airport would’ve otherwise been shut down that’s a waste of water, electricity, etc. Then there’s his return. He needed a police escort. Don’t you think those police could be better used elsewhere?

As for being more productive whoever mentioned things like volunteering at a shelter or kitchen is spot on. Did you see that picture of those two kids who were working at Domino’s in San Antonio? If Ted NotALizard℠ Cruzy Cruz had stopped into a local restaurant an helped out that would’ve been great. Instead his focus was on getting the hell out of dodge and blaming his family. The guy is a turd.


Oh, he most certainly is. I’m just saying there were reasonable excuses he could have used to duck out. They wouldn’t have looked great, but at least they wouldn’t have rung hollow and been so obviously lies he came up with after the fact.

God damnit, I figured I’d check their Twitter to see how their dog was doing only to find out she died last night. Fuck.


That seriously sucks. :disappointed:


No, fuck that. He was elected to public office. He has a job to do and he should do it. Period.


Good parents also do not bend to a child’s every whim


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