Ted Cruz's weird defense of Tucker Carlson has Twitter in stitches

The actual question is not important, it’s just an historical reference to the beginning of the end of McCarthyism.
The important similarity to what happened in '54 is that a lot of conservatives, especially in red states, will know large numbers of military members. The fact that conservative women in the military will be among them is where they have marched far beyond what their constituencies might tolerate.


It’s become clear that neither reverence for the military, nor anything else, is a moral red line for the kind of voter the GOP has hitched its wagon to. It’s hard to think of any obnoxious thing you could say that those voters haven’t already cheered Turmp for saying.

Ted Cruz has obviously taken that to heart. When someone like Ted Cruz hears that you can become prez by being a total chunk of shit, well, that’s like telling Cookie Monster you can get elected by eating cookies.

The part he hasn’t grokked is, those voters like it when Turmp does it because they like Turmp. They might not object when Cruz says shitty things, but they also don’t care what he says, because he’s not entertaining to them. As I’m always saying, the next Turmp will not come from politics any more than the last one did; the people to watch are fascist entertainers, such as Carlson himself.


It’s an odd flex considering how many right wingers will point out Israel’s use of women soldiers as a good thing.


Members of the GOP no longer hold consistent political world views. It’s why they can’t effectively govern.


Indeed; they are against everything, and stand for nothing, other than enriching themselves by any means.


It’s all do the bidding of their corporate overlords, cut taxes to solve ALL problems, make life miserable as possible for anyone who isn’t a white cisgendered man to pwn the libs and rally the base… That’s all they do now.


Right, but I think that question was important - or, rather, not the question itself, but that there was a moment where someone could point at what was going on and it was clear that they had absolutely crossed a line. The modern Republican party crossed the line a while back, saw what they had done, and doubled down on it, without any significant push-back.

Yeah, for a guy who is so universally hated, Cruz sure acts like a guy who thinks he’s actually really popular. I don’t know if he’s just clueless about the dynamics at play and doesn’t realize he needs to be charismatic, or if he’s simply looked at Trump and thought, “If that dumb sack of shit can be popular, I can be too!” (Missing out that people loved Trump because he’s the bully, not the obsequious toady sucking up to a bully.)


Schmucker Carlson

Let’s hire someone to snatch that schmuck’s wig. In public. Dude you HAVE no wig!


Fun fact: The McCarthy era ended when Senator Joe McCarthy went after the military.


I doubt it’s flabby. He’s clutching clenching more than just pearls.


It is remarkable how much their support of the military is based on the presumption of how much the military agrees with them.


Not just random members, pretty high ranking types using their official accounts:


No publicity is bad publicity?

Hopefully that truism ain’t true in this case.


“Support our troops! Except for the pregnant ones.”

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