Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/07/22/one-year-ago-today-ted-cruz-idiotically-made-a-covid-prediction-that-was-so-very-wrong.html
Again, I have to wonder about the nature of the voters who keep casting their ballots for this slimy blobfish. What I do know is that if they’re reminded of Cancun Cruz’s prediction they’ll move the goalposts in the way that death cultists usually do.
It’s almost like concern over Covid wasn’t actually politically motivated…
WHY does this man’s face unsettle me so very much?
One year ago, Ted Cruz was an idiot.
2 years ago Ted Cruz was an idiot.
6 months ago Ted Cruz was an idiot…
(X) (random time interval) ago, Ted Cruz was an idiot.
(X) (random time interval) into the future, Ted Cruz will be an idiot.
And so it shall be, time immemorial.
The thing is, he wasn’t entirely wrong. He was saying that politicians would stop making a big deal about it because they are politically motivated to juice the economy and their whole “protect the electorate” was a schtick. Well, he was close, but it wasn’t really political. We are already seeing upticks and variants because politicians decided to say “Okay folks! Masks are a thing of the past!” a month ago, when we were at roughly 50% vaccination rate.
Our leaders (including Cruz) are spineless and don’t really care about people, he just had the motivation wrong (because it would have implicated himself along with them).
Ever have random intrusive thoughts when trying to go to sleep? Sometimes it helps to get them off your chest. Twitter is free and there’s nothing to stop you from tweeting Ted Cruz. (taken from a tiktok video I now can’t find)
Broken clock syndrome.
Ted who? Never heard of him…
And Cruz will be reelected anyway.
Maybe Cruz was letting us know that if Biden won then covid would be pushed out of the news cycle by a coup attempt? I mean, I’m pretty sure people talked less about covid for a while there.
would probably respond with “oh I was talking about lockdowns… notice how we haven’t had any since Biden’s been in office?” the goalposts will forever move
Not deserved by a fish that, may I remind people, is inoffensive and even charming until it undergoes explosive decompression.
Cruz is more…corrosive decompression or something.
That’s an insult to blobfish. They live in the deep ocean minding their own business munching detritus and crustaceans until some asshole with a trawler pulls them out of their habitat and kills them.
I’m thinking more Joe McCarthy & Jim Belushi’s faces, combined. (Especially pre-beard.)
It’s as if it is trying to suck your fist into it with al its might. It begs . . . pleads . . . to be punched.
He looks like a lizard person with an ill-fitting human suit.