Originally published at: Telekinetic Trump claims he can declassify documents "by thinking about it" | Boing Boing
I found the source of the problem.
He chose the right interviewer. Hannity is one of the few people in the news media whose follow-up question to that nonsense wouldn’t be “are you out of your damned mind?!”
Didn’t he mean to say, “when you’re the King…”?
As long as trump is managing to ‘convince’ fox"news" of this previously unknown peculiar presidential power it would behoove him that this power also works retroactively backwards in time. (time reversal always being the sticking point in law) Perhaps he could give an example of it in action right there on video - fingers on temples for effect?
“. . . you’re sending it to Mar A Lago, or wherever you’re sending it.”
Wait, WHAT?
Where else did you “send it” motherfucker?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say his argument won’t hold up in court.
And in fact his lawyers won’t even try to argue it before a judge.
In an equally insane bit from the same interview Trump suggested that the real reason the FBI conducted the search was because they were looking for Hillary’s emails.
Obviously no one has the mental abilities close to matching Trump. You saw how easy he passed that “genius” test. Woman, camera…I can’t even remember all those thins. /s
"Your honor, no one disputes that this Blu-ray player originally belonged to Best Buy. And no one disputes that it was found in my possession in the Best Buy parking lot. And, no, I’m not going to provide any ACTUAL evidence that I paid for it.
But here’s the thing. I’m allowed to buy Blu-ray players. I have sufficient funds in my bank account to buy a Blu-ray player. It’s obvious that I could have bought the Blu-ray player had I chosen to do so.
So what’s the problem here? If I was allowed to buy a Blu-ray player, and I had the means to buy a Blu-ray player, and in my mind I made the choice to buy a Blu-ray player, how has a crime been committed if I didn’t actually go through the motions of paying for the Blu-ray player? If I’m allowed to do it, going through the motions of doing it is just a formality."
IANAL, but can’t the prosecution use that interview as an admission of guilt (and incompetence)? or at least to force an official reply from him about how he think the process work and what it did, and then show that he is full of shit?