Terror in Paradise: 'I Got the Hawaii Missile Message and Prepared to Die'

Anyone familiar with the operation of state government here in the Islands, should know to not believe anything it says without corroboration. It’s history of cockups and lies reaches back to the US war on Hawaii which began on 16 January 1893 when the local oligarchs lied to the world saying there was a civil disturbance and there wasn’t, saying there was a ‘revolution’ when there wasn’t and saying they were in danger when they weren’t. It continued through the US envoy’s lies to the world about the ‘revolutionary’ government having control when the US marines were guarding the oligarchs and the US Navy ship Boston was menacing the capital with destruction. The lying continues through the Alawai canal [now an open sewer] the natatorium, a construction disaster, the supa’ dupa’ ferry to nowhere, and currently the rail to nowhere. Local state and city governments are inept when not corrupt and usually both. I got the message on the phone, thought about it [tensions lowering between North Korea and the dotard-led government of the US] and concluded, probably not and even if, not much you can do in 15 minutes except terrorize yourself which I chose not to do. Sending the alert was a fukup, not sending out a cancellation for 38 minutes was another fukup. Two major fukups by state government and it’s not even 900 in the morning but it is par for the local governments. Cheers


This may be garbage, but reading a bunch of sources on this, it sounds like the system requires an input command, and then a confirmation, like “are you sure that you want to send this alert? Y/N”. A theory is that the system was being shown to visitors, and a real alert was sent during a demonstration.
I have to assume that there will be results of the investigation released soon, so hopefully we will learn the truth. That theory might just be BS, but it is plausible. A big, shiny, red Ren & Stimpy button seems less likely.

Glad it was a false alarm, the Hawaiian Escalation has no winners.



So, a guy in the Hawaii government was like:

and it took them more that half an hour to fix it. Great!


Even worse!




Had a friend who was in Hawaii and was like, “WTF?”

And I thought those Amber Alerts in the middle of the night were annoying and scary.

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Thank goodness for The Greys!!!

Missile Message

Good name for a band.


With a sound you can’t turn down, and a verifiable worldwide hit…


This was a stupid and irritating mistake, but in the decades I’ve lived here the state’s civil defense has generally done a pretty good job. This is the first real cock-up I can remember, and I’m glad it was a false positive rather than a false negative.

I don’t think it makes sense to use the overthrow as evidence of the state government’s incompetence or perfidy. For that matter, the Ala Wai, Natatorium, and Rail are city kuleana, not state.


He could have had a moment of clarity and resigned.


Are you kidding? I now find myself so hesitant to throw out bottlecaps, and when I see a hairpin on the floor? It’s like, “MINE!”

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I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but Hawaii’s early warning system is run entirely by the state government.

and the thrice daily drills are needed because of their statewide policy positions agains NK?


Unless you know exactly where ground zero is gonna be, going outside is more likely to leave you alive but horribly burned than it is to finish you off quick.

If I actually had a nuclear-war plan, it would be “go to the lowest level of the parking garage with a gun and one bullet.” Cover all the bases.


I’m surprised that the FCC didn’t just announce that ending net neutrality and prioritization are the obvious fix.


Hawaii is vulnerable to hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes, all of which are covered by the same alert system.

Maybe they’ve been stepping things up with Trump’s recent brinksmanship, I dunno. Certainly a nuclear alert wouldn’t have been taken as seriously otherwise. But let’s not actually do the liberal equivalent of THANKS OBAMA.