The military has huge swaths of land whereupon they can conduct their exercises. Putting aside conspiracy theories and the fact that Texas is almost completely terrible, I don’t know why the military can’t stay on the land we’ve given them for such activities.
Perhaps they’ve grown too large and we should halve or quarter their budget? Yes, I think we should.
Did the truck have Texas plates though? The owner could have been a US patriot from a neighbouring state, saying “Dear Texans - pleasepleaseplease secede! We’d all be ever so much happier with an international border between us.”
If they had the simulated equivalent of major American cities just lying around to conduct occasional international joint exercises in, now that would be wasteful.
Texans in particular. They tend to be offended if you don’t say “Thank you for your service” to anybody in military uniforms. Doubt this will change that much.
I don’t think cities will be invaded either, but I also don’t think that wariness of the citizenry’s relatively pathetic pea-shooters is a consideration. I mean really, what could any amount of guns do against tanks, grenades, gases, bombs, swat teams, ram rods, robots, rockets, drones and so on?
And that has something to do with how we’re supposedly letting all the states leave, and there isn’t much anyone can do about it? In what sense is any state “leaving”?