Texas cop suspended for body slamming 12-year-old girl onto concrete

Yikes, that comparison is an insult to MMA athletes everywhere. Hell, it’d be an insult to the chimpanzees from Planet of the Apes. Shit, it’s an insult to flesh eating bacteria.

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Pretty sure MMA athlete’s singular goal is to damage other people’s brains until the guy with his brain getting damaged can’t fight back anymore, or pleads for mercy.

Sounds just like what cops think are their jobs. Except pretty often cops decide not to stop and keep going until the person is dead.

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The key difference being MMA fighters are willing to take on someone their own size.


The important difference being consent to being slammed into unconsciousness. It’s the absolute centre of the moral difference between evil violence and fun violence. Cops are evil. MMA athletes are having what they consider to be great fun.


So tell me - why is one prejudice acceptable (apparently? I am not fluent in snark.) and the other isn’t. Why aren’t they BOTH wrong?

How is the assumption cops are going to act a certain way because “It’s called reality, my friend.” any different when cops assume a suspect is going to act a certain way because, “It’s called reality, my friend.”?

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Who has all the power and the backing by the government and are almost never punished even when they kill people for no reason in broad daylight with cameras rolling? Those are the guys we can discriminate against.


:musical_note:The world is what you make it.

That’s reality.

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I was responding to this:

But while we see too many examples of bad cop behavior, they are eclipsed by arrests (even ones not justified) where the suspect is not manhandled, abused, or killed.

That’s like, so what? I mean, I hardly know where to even start.

For one thing, who doesn’t know that overall, cops act within the rules like they should more often than not? That’s not the issue at hand here.

What matters is that often, very often, they don’t. They act badly, and dangerously, often enough that it’s hard to trust any of them, especially if one is a member of a particularly abused community. AND, when cops don’t act within the rules like they should, they so often face little or no punishment, a problem that only further encourages their bad behavior. Add other exacerbating factors, like the increased militarization that turns them into hammers that now see everything as a nail, and people have tons of reasons to exercise extreme caution around cops, in so many U.S. spaces and places.


I’m wondering where his hands landed when he wrapped them around from behind her? I would expect a pretty automatic response if she felt like she was getting groped.


“Paid Leave” - What the rest of the populace call “Vacation” - How is this still a thing?


Reasons to slam a child facedown on cement - none.
I’m sure he’ll be found “justified” by his friends.
Police ain’t gonna change until the public stand up to them, because
after all they are the SLAVE PATROL. (you’re the slaves.)


So they just suspend him with pay until the media furor dies down, and then everything goes back to normal.

This is just so fucked up.

I was a teacher for several years in Japan, and, in some of the rougher schools, there were a few cases when I had to pull the little bastards off of each other or another teacher (these were all boys). The point is, if you’re a lot bigger and stronger, like this guy clearly is, you can keep them from hurting each other without hurting them. I mean, so what if the kid kicked the guy a few times, if you can’t realize that this person who just punched you is a kid and react in a level headed manner, you have no fucking business being anywhere around children.


WE’RE the slaves.



If you watched that video, then you should probably call the San Antonio Police Dept…


Hey! :slight_smile: The lawyer that takes that case is not a vampire. The lawyer that defends . . . I dunno . . . :scales:

Officer friendly has a young daughter of his own…

Are police officers scum? I think a large percentage of the time that is true. The police are violent animals, scum, and untrustworthy. I would rather protect myself that share this country with these animals.


@M_Dub may not agree with me.

This Re-Engineering Training on Police Use of Force publication of the Police Executive Research Forum is an alternative and is an example of what law enforcement leaders can do to change their unpopular, risky and ineffective (criminal?) use-of-force policies.

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Good God, can these pigs feel no shame?


Apparently not.