I was also thinking it was a way to excuse the subsequent behavior, as Ambien has a reputation for making people do things they wouldn’t normally do. Maybe because it’s used often as an excuse every time someone does something illegal or unethical?
That was a thought I had as well, but when I dug to see if that’s what he did, just seems to be blaming him for taking it. I didn’t find him making an excuse with it, but I also didn’t dig quite that hard.
I read the average US police training lasts 8 weeks. In comparison, the UK police training lasts 18-20 weeks to get to a probationary constable, and there isn’t any firearms involved. And look at the dreadful state of the UK forces!
I react with sadness and defensive apathy because I know damned well it’s not going to change a thing about any of the multiple systemic failures on display in this story.
Nah, that’s not it. After all he’s still alive.
bootlickers gonna bootlick.
I’ve read the entire DoD inspector General Report on Ronny Jackson.
He was a TERRIBLE head of the White House Medical Unit. The report was done because Trump wanted to place him at the head of the VA. Enough military people got together to make it clear he was unfit for the position. Frankly he should have been removed for his sexual harassment and being drunk and high on duty.
They MULTIPLE witness and with all the people on the staff. There was no doubt about what he did. The White House counsel inserted himself in the investigation to help Jackson out. (Which is NOT protocol, but they let it happen.)
I get tired of the media tiptoeing around Jackson’s misconduct as if he jaywalked. Read the Fing report! They have witnesses who testified under oath. He should have been court-martialed. But the report did keep him from heading the VA, which was the goal. He used his relationship with Trump to become a wacko right wing congressman.
Jackson came under scrutiny when a report from the DOD inspector general accused him of drinking alcohol while in his role at the White House, as well as taking Ambien sleeping pills and making inappropriate comments about a colleague’s breast and buttocks while on a presidential trip to Manila, Philippines, in 2014. Jackson has strongly denied all the allegations of misconduct.
… he’s also 7 feet tall, I heard
Came for this, was not disappointed.
Ronny Jackson can be a terrible person but it doesn’t explain or excuse the police behaviour.
You’re spot on. The references seem to be about him taking it while he was flying in air force one, or on work trips. I am guessing that suggests his “on call” kind of hours extend to the duration of any of those sort of trips, so that he can always be ready for emergencies involving the president’s health?
Certainly it’s inappropriate to consume alcohol when on call. I don’t know if there are specific guidelines around zolpidem and other drugs when on call, but I would certainly not take something that would impair me if on duty. On one hand I’m sympathetic if your on call extends for a whole week and you can’t sleep without it… but if that’s what you signed up for?
I thought to myself 'these guys are pretty nuts. Would folks like him, MTG, etc be worse with some alcohol and Ambien on board… Or better? You know, chill them out a bit?"…
Checks reports
“Oh never mind, way worse huh?”
Too bad Ronny’s horrible background is obscuring what is also disgusting about the police response. Flaming in, assaulting the parents and doctor addressing the MEDICAL emergency with zero situational awareness and nothing to offer the actual victim… It’s like some hyenas were dispatched to respond. Once everyone including the victim is hog-tied, face down on the pavement and terrorized, how exactly were they going to assist or resolve this?
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