Texas GOP's new platform: Biden isn't pres, ban trans healthcare, repeal Voting Rights Act

Did anyone at the convention serve Kool-Aid?

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Not Funny Reaction GIF by CBS


This right here. I’m in Alabama. With some effort I could probably move. I get why people do. But I have weekly conversations with people in my town about issues that matter to them. They’re right-wing, but their concerns are not. It’s a slow process. And I’m not gonna turn this state blue. But I’m going to work like hell to turn my town.

That said, I have the safety and privilege of cis, white maleness as a shield. It’s easy for me, and there’s relatively little chance of personal danger. My gay male friends down the street? The two women friends who just had a baby? Others? I don’t know how they withstand the barrage.


not only assimilation

Star Trek Picard GIF by Paramount+

but also the requisite reference to “females”

accepting this sort of bs is how you get an evil mirror universe :confused:


That was very sarcastic, yes. Appeasement and peace in our time are references to Chamberlain and the Third Reich. I can forgive him a little for not understanding how it would go, but now that we have seen there is no excuse. The idea that you can protect yourself from fascists by retreating from them is extremely short-sighted.


That’s all any of us can do. We can shift things bit by bit, and make what little change we can.

All of us with some privilege should understand and acknowledge this.

A good question, and it’s only getting worse. But people who are willing to abandon wide swaths of the country aren’t being particularly helpful.



And this is why we need solid, fact-based historical education, not ideologically driven nationalist narratives.


The fuck you are.

You’re a single member; just one person, and you don’t get to speak for an entire community as if it’s a monolith that all thinks and acts just alike.


Some have to. I’ve related this story before, so I won’t again. But a good friend killed himself, after the hospital we had sent him to on the first attempt released him, not believing he’d try again. His husband has said “fuck it” it’s not worth it.

I get why people leave.


I believe in this context “willing to abandon wide swaths of the country” refers to people who would allow the fascists to control places like Texas unopposed, not people who personally flee places like Texas for their own safety.


Individuals leaving is not a problem, your mental health can only handle so much. The problem is when we get people telling us we have lost the battle when we are still fighting it.


To be clear, I am not condemning people for leaving to keep themselves safe. I’m pointing out that not everyone has that luxury, and that if people think that “giving” the fascists Texas (or your state, or my state, etc) will “fix” the problem we’re all facing, they are fooling themselves. You’re a historian like me, so you know how this can go.

That’s tragic about your friend. I’m sorry. My hope is that we can build a country where that can’t happen, because there are resources for people, and all of us are valued.


It’s almost as if what they really missed was the de jure racism and the that people of color and the non cis-gendered were not just politically powerless, but unacknowledged in popular culture, as if they didn’t exist.



Ugh, sorry!!


This seems like a desperate attempt to get their electorate out for the mid-terms. It might work but I have my doubts. Texas has been changing demographics so fast that the state party hasn’t budged on key issues to retake urban districts. If anything, they’re gonna lose more ground the more they press this nonsense.

Unless they change, they’ll be relegated to the dustbin of history much like the California GOP.


Don’t be sorry! We got to talk about this stuff, and how complicated it is. I’m not trying to say that there are easy answers for us individually, just that we all have to keep fighting as best we can.


Leaving is fine if that’s what a person needs to do to keep safe or for a family member. My spouse and I sat down and drew our own lines for when it might be time to leave.
But just abandoning millions of people because fighting fascism is just too hard. No. Even just saying
“Let them have Texas/Georgia/Florida/(what ever place where something horrible happened today) and good riddance”
It isn’t helpful. It isn’t right. That’s just another way of saying “Hey, all y’all trans folk and gay people and BIPOC, you just aren’t worth fighting for.” It’s just another way of saying “I won’t support you. Not even with words.”



The only way out of this mess is together.


Texan GOP: Says they want an healthy, thriving & competitive tech industry.

Also texan GOP: Does everything they can to scare away trans programmers.

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